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Top 5 Best Valorant Agents for Fracture Map:Agents that set the META in the map

Valorant is Riot's take on the tactical first-person shooter genre. In this hero-based tactical shooter, players must choose agents based on maps and playstyles, but there are better agents in Valorant who are valuable on the Haven map. This article lists the 5 best Valorant agents for the fracture map.

SummaryBest Valorant Agents for Breeze MapMerrySovaVipersSaugeJett

Best Valorant Agents for Breeze Map

The Fracture was added to Valorant on September 8, 2021. This map has unique mechanics like automatic door, automatic one-way ziplines, rope blockers. A top secret research facility divided by a failed radiant experiment. With defender options as divided as the map, the choice is yours:meet the attackers on their own turf or batten down the hatches to resist the onslaught.


The genius of Germany. Killjoy secures the battlefield with ease using her arsenal of inventions. While his gear damage won't stop his enemies, weakening his bots will help them take them out quickly.

Top 5 Best Valorant Agents for Fracture Map:Agents that set the META in the map

(C)NANOSWARM: EQUIP a Nanoswarm grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade. Upon landing, the Nanoswarm becomes secret. ACTIVATE the Nanoswarm to deploy a destructive swarm of nanobots.

(Q) ALARM: EQUIP a secret alarm bot. FIRE to deploy a bot that stalks enemies within range. After hitting its target, the bot explodes and applies Vulnerable to enemies in the area. HOLD EQUIP to recall a deployed bot.

(E)TURRET: EQUIP a turret. FIRE to deploy a turret that automatically fires at enemies in a 180 degree cone. HOLD EQUIP to recall deployed turret.

(X)LOCK: EQUIP Lockout device. FIRE to deploy the device. After a long wait, the device Detains all enemies caught in the radius. The device can be destroyed by enemies.

This map is extremely easy to flank, Killjoy is the perfect agent to hold the flank in this map. This is what makes Killjoy one of the best Valorant agents for the fracture map.


Born from the eternal winter of the Russian tundra, Sova stalks, finds and eliminates enemies with ruthless efficiency and precision. His custom bow and incredible scouting abilities ensure that even if you run, you can't hide.

Top 5 Best Valorant Agents for Fracture Map:Agents that set the META in the map

(C)OWL DRONE: EQUIP an Owl Drone. FIRE to deploy and take control of the drone's movement. While controlling the drone, SHOOT to fire a marker dart. This dart will reveal the location of any player hit by the dart.

(Q) DAMPER BOLT: EQUIP a bow with shock bolt. SHOOT to send explosive lightning forward, exploding on collision and damaging nearby players. HOLD FIRE to extend projectile range. ALTERNATE SHOOT to add up to two bounces to this arrow.

(E)RECON BOLT: EQUIP a bow with a reconnaissance lock. FIRE to send the Recon Lock forward, activating on collision and revealing the location of nearby enemies caught in the lock's line of sight. Enemies can destroy this bolt. HOLD FIRE to extend projectile range. ALTERNATE SHOOT to add up to two bounces to this arrow.

(X)HUNTER'S FURY: EQUIP a bow with three long-range, piercing energy blasts. FIRE to release a blast of energy in a line in front of Sova, dealing damage and revealing the location of enemies caught in the line. This ability can be REUSED up to two more times while the ability timer is active.

With his information gathering utility, Sova is definitely one of the top 5 Valorant agents for the fracture map.


American chemist Viper deploys an array of toxic chemical devices to control the battlefield and cripple enemy vision. If the toxins don't kill his prey, his mind games surely will.

Top 5 Best Valorant Agents for Fracture Map:Agents that set the META in the map

(C)SNAKE BITE: EQUIP a chemical launcher. FIRE to launch a canister that shatters on hitting the ground, creating a lingering chemical area that damages and applies Vulnerable.

(Q) POISON CLOUD: EQUIP a gas emitter. FIRE to launch the emitter which remains perpetually throughout the turn. REUSE ability to create toxic gas cloud at the expense of fuel. This ability can be REUSED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.

(E)TOXIC SCREEN: EQUIP a launcher with a gas emitter. FIRE to deploy a long line of gas emitters. REUSE the ability to create a large wall of toxic gas at the expense of fuel. This ability can be REUSED more than once.

(X) VIPER'S PIT: GET a chemical sprayer. FIRE to spray a chemical cloud in all directions around Viper, creating a large cloud that reduces players' vision range and max health of enemies inside. HOLD the ability key to disperse the cloud early.

Looks like Fracture was made for Viper. This map has wide entry points, which is what makes Viper one of the best Valorant agents for the fracture.


Bastion of China, Sage creates safety for herself and her team wherever she goes. Able to revive fallen friends and ward off aggressive thrusts, she provides a calm center for a hellish fight.

Top 5 Best Valorant Agents for Fracture Map:Agents that set the META in the map

(C) ORB BARRIER: EQUIP a barrier orb. FIRE places a wall that gets stronger after a few seconds. ALT FIRE rotates the targeter.

(Q)SLOW ORB: EQUIP a slowing orb. FIRE to launch a slowed orb forward that explodes on landing, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside.

(E)ORB OF HEALING: EQUIP a healing orb. SHOOT your reticle at a damaged ally to activate a healing time on them. ALT FIRE while Sage is damaged to activate self-healing over time.

(X)RESURRECTION: EQUIP a resurrection ability. SHOOT with your reticle placed on a dead ally to start resurrecting them. After a short channel, the ally will be brought back to life with full health.

Closing entrances is very important in this map, Sage is one of the best Valorant agents for the fracture map.


Representing his home country of South Korea, Jett's nimble and evasive fighting style allows him to take risks no one else can. She circles around every skirmish, slashing enemies before they even know what hit them.

Top 5 Best Valorant Agents for Fracture Map:Agents that set the META in the map

DRIFT (SPACE): Holding the jump button while falling allows you to hover in the air.

(C) CLOUDBURST: INSTANTLY launch a projectile that expands into a brief, vision-blocking cloud upon impact with a surface. HOLD the ability key to curve the smoke in the direction of your crosshairs.

(Q)OVERVIEW: INSTANTLY propel Jett high into the air.

(E)DOWNWIND: INSTANTLY propel Jett in the direction she is moving. If Jett stays still, she will propel herself forward.

(X) BLADE STORM: EQUIP a set of highly accurate throwing knives. SHOOT to throw a single knife and reload knives on a kill. ALTERNATE FIRE to throw all remaining daggers but does not recharge on kill.

Like any other map, Jett is one of the best Valorant agents for the fracture map. As we know, Jett is the best agent for the OP and the fracture is full of long angles.

Top 5 best Valorant agents for Breeze Map:agents that define the META in the map.