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Anis Maknojia, actor, producer and influencer thriving during the pandemic

Anis Maknojia already has a handful of short film projects under her belt, including the dramatic short Artifice, the unconventional humor With Interest and the multi-layered Breathe. He is now in post-production on a fourth short, Jack, A Slasher Horror Story.

Earlier this year, when he returned to Texas to address several business issues related to COVID-19, Maknojia took time off to collaborate with director Frederick Tabiyus Nah IV on a screenplay for the project.

"The idea has been bubbling for a while, but other projects kept coming up and it kept getting pushed back," Maknojia said. “It took a significant change of pace in my daily life to get the chance to really focus on this idea. The trip to Houston took a lot of my time, but it allowed me to put a lot of other things aside for a short time. It's interesting how [the creative process] worked on its own.

Handing over the draft script to Joseph Carlin, a writer recommended by Tobias, Maknojia wrapped up his responsibilities in Houston and rushed to Los Angeles to keep the momentum going.

In short, Maknojia's Bruce is an executive at a fast-growing tech company preparing to go public. With a day-to-day approach, the viewer watches as Bruce prepares for meetings to launch a new product and establish his company's valuation. His environment reflects his success. His fiancée Liz is everything you'd expect from an elite relationship – smart, sexy, sultry – a perfect match for intelligent, attractive and determined Bruce. Their house is luxurious. Arriving at work, the boardroom is opulent. His fellow leaders are ready to make the most of the opportunity. As the appraisal deal is finalized, Bruce's razor-sharp instincts are in the spotlight.

"This project was one of my most successful, I think," Maknojia said. “The conditions we worked in were difficult, but the whole process reinforced my love of the creative process. There were PPE everywhere. Everyone was tested for COVID twice a day. Everyone, cast and crew, everyone on this project has really done an amazing job. Now we edit, create the sound design and all the finishing touches.

"Being away from LA was tough for me," Maknojia continued. “I felt like I was losing touch with my creativity. I felt like I was missing something. In the end, that something was the excitement of putting together a film project.