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Tiffany Gaines, CEO and Founder of SS Global Entertainment, has made a name for herself as a marketer, music distributor and entertainment executive. For more than two decades, she has managed to prove that she is not only a smart and competent person, but also a dedicated entrepreneur who wears many hats. Throughout her career, she has upheld the highest levels of professional and personal ethics by maintaining long-term stability by providing access to an array of quality entertainment source networks on both sides of the business.

How do you wear so many hats?

The most important thing to focus on when it comes to those who run successful businesses and wear many hats is to understand that it didn't happen overnight. When I decide to take on a new role, I always ask myself if the new position can match the current roles I play. For example, when I decided to take the hospitality industry seriously, I did so because I knew that whatever industry someone worked in, they all had to travel at some point. The ideal thing to consider was that if someone was traveling out of state, they more than likely would have to book a room at a hotel. Being a certified hotel broker only required a few months of dedicated time and effort, which would then allow me to be able to offer preferential rates to my entire network of professionals. I started thinking about the individuals and businesses I had access to and started calculating the potential profit I could make if I started offering my services every year and before I knew it I had a professional clientele booking through me for all their travel needs. What I mean here is that time is of the essence when it comes to your growth and success. If you learn to analyze and consider the benefits of taking on new roles and challenges, if they outweigh the potential problems of adding new tasks to your plate, start working on an action plan to include it in your daily routine and before you know it, you will be contributing to your success rather than reducing it. The goal is to always work smarter, not harder.

Do you think anyone can become or run a successful business?

Answering this question in general would be like saying that anyone can learn a skill regardless of how much time they really have to spend to become even just “good” at something. I can say that anyone can try to commit to a task. But succeeding as a business owner will take a lot more effort than just saying or thinking you can do it. Not everyone is cut out to be a CEO or a creative. Today, social media allows people to portray themselves as successful when in reality it is just a facade. Just because running an online business seems easy doesn't mean it isn't. There are businesses where it can be run by a one man army, but realistically most successful businesses have key players designated for specific tasks to help the business run efficiently. This in itself requires management to maintain the efficiency of the business as a whole. Is it possible of course but rare in my opinion, Again most don't know what it actually takes to run a business let alone a successful business until they have failed more than times they can't count.

What would you advise someone considering opening multiple businesses?

Master your main activity before starting another one. If your initial business can't work on its own, why spend less time making it successful. Just because you can potentially make more money considering a new business doesn't mean you should. Balance is key when it comes to something that requires dedication to grow. So why would you want to grow something halfway when you can first see it reach its potential? Once you've mastered your core business and the system you've created can run on autopilot, that's when you can consider trying new things. I never recommend trying to be a good something when you can't give it your all.