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Five beginner guitar mistakes to watch out for

Learning to play the guitar and more for the first time is as rewarding as it is challenging, as you will discover in this post. You're thrilled to finally be able to play the instrument you love, but there are steps to help you get there. Most of the time, the process is made difficult by some of the mistakes that most people make and even more so beginners. So, to make the process smoother, you should strive to avoid such errors. Below are common mistakes made by beginners that make the process of learning the guitar harder than it should be.

SummaryAvoiding TheoryExerting Too Much To PlayPracticing AimlesslyHolding The Guitar IncorrectlyPracticing What You Already Know

Avoid the theory

When you sign up for a guitar lesson, you're probably looking forward to learning this quickly. So, going through the theoretical part will not be as pleasant as you would like. However, as boring as the theory may be, ducking is one of the biggest mistakes as a beginner in guitar class. The theory you learn will help you understand music better, making you a better player. Therefore, the time spent learning the theory is worth it, as it will help you better specialize in your guitar playing skills. Moreover, if you have a trainer who advises you to skip the theoretical part and go directly to practice, he is not a reliable trainer.


Putting too much effort into the instrument is a mistake people make in most musical instruments, and the guitar is no exception. This is mainly because it is believed that you have to press the strings hard for the guitar to sound good. However, this is a common myth and a mistake you shouldn't make if you want to play your guitar. Placing your finger on the guitar and strumming the strings should be done quickly. To help you achieve this, work on the positioning of your fingers. This means placing your fingers close to the fret wire, as this is the point that requires the least amount of pressure to produce sound.

Practicing without goal

When you practice aimlessly, you will never know whether you are learning or not. This is one of the worst mistakes you can make because you won't know what you've already learned and what you need to learn next. As a result, you will find that you cannot play a single knot after a long period of guitar practice since you practiced haphazardly. Therefore, set goals and adapt them to the practice time you have. Also, before moving on to the next objective, make sure you know the previous one well to see your progress.

Holding guitar incorrectly

In order for you to play the guitar well, one of the skills you need to work on is not holding the guitar. Although it may seem obvious, holding the guitar incorrectly is a common reason why most beginners take a long time to learn how to play it. Therefore, take the time for your first lesson and make sure you stick to it. The correct way to hold this guitar is to sit with your knees at a right angle. In this position, place the waist of the guitar on top of your right thigh. Your upper right arm should rest on top of the guitar to move your forearm freely. In such a position, learning all the rest of the guitar is child's play.

Practice what-you-already-know

It's fun to have a track that you can comfortably play on guitar until the end. Thus, it is tempting to always keep playing this song during all your practice sessions. However, if you want to learn how to play the guitar, playing the same tune you are good at during your practice sessions will do you good. It's good to play these tunes to warm up before starting the actual practice session. However, start practicing other tunes after that to help you stay motivated and notice progress. Also, when learning a song, make sure you learn it completely before moving on to the next one. Otherwise, you'll be the kind of guitarist who can't play a song through.

Practicing to play the guitar is meant to be a fun and enjoyable process. However, some of the mistakes you can make during the practice session can make the guitar learning process a nightmare. Below are some of those guitar mistakes you should watch out for to ease your guitar learning process.