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Volunteering:a useful hobby

Volunteering:a useful hobby

According to the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), a volunteer is considered as “ (…) any person who freely undertakes to carry out an unpaid action for the benefit of others” . Did you know that the term volunteering comes from the Latin “benevolus” which means “good will?” In a world where solidarity remains a value still defended by many, what do we know about this useful and generous hobby which counts more than 12 million volunteers?

On the occasion of Volunteer Day on December 5, let's discover the key figures of this solidarity momentum, the different profiles of volunteers and the different possibilities to turn to?

Volunteering in numbers

According to a Research &Solidarity study conducted in 2019, volunteering concerns more than one in four French people who graciously offer their time and person to defend a noble cause. This figure has been stable since the launch of the barometer in 2010. While seniors remain the most engaged audience to this day, the trend is tending to reverse:volunteering now affects the youngest. France Bénévolat study indicates that 38% of the population aged 15 and over donate their time to show their commitment to a cause.

True disinterested action, this voluntary activity concerns all the associative sectors. On the other hand, it is necessary to dissociate volunteering from volunteering, the one not being subject to the payment of a salary and the second involving a contract and remuneration such as civic service. However, a volunteer cannot be forced:he is obligatorily voluntary and subject to a free choice in his commitment.

Why become a volunteer?

Pierre Rabhi once said “It is true that it is by initiating the smallest actions that we initiate great changes”. Every small step can make a difference. If becoming a volunteer is a deeply altruistic approach, why do we embark on the adventure?

Maintaining social ties by offering of your person

Embarking on the adventure of volunteering within an association promotes personal development, strengthens self-esteem and helps maintain a certain social bond. This is why volunteering is very widespread among the elderly, newly retired or among the unemployed. It offers a framework and a rhythm to days that can sometimes be monotonous and for which a new reorganization sometimes struggles to settle. In this sense, volunteering broadens both personal and professional horizons and perspectives. Accomplish yourself in concrete terms while offering your person, that's the whole soul of volunteering!

Support a meaningful cause

A cause is close to your heart more than any other? To devote yourself wholeheartedly to volunteering, nothing beats believing in the cause you are defending. The commitment will only be deeper and more sincere. Do you have rare and highly sought-after skills like sign language? Did you know that you could offer your personal or professional know-how without asking for financial compensation? Get started, find the cause you believe in the most and initiate positive change by participating in the well-being of the community.

How to become a volunteer? Overview of major French causes

It's decided, you're going to take the leap and embark on the wonderful adventure of volunteering. On the other hand, noble causes are not lacking and you may have some difficulty choosing which one to turn to! Don't make a hasty decision, make yourself comfortable, go to the France Bénévolat website and discover the wide network of associations in the French landscape.

Donate to charities

Who said that volunteering rhymed only with physical actions? The share of donors is constantly growing if we are to believe the France Générosités union. He established that in 2020, donations increased by 19.6% compared to the previous year . Did you know that if you make a donation to an association of general interest or recognized as being of public utility, you will benefit from a tax reduction of 66% of the amount of your payment? Another reason to be generous!

Find out some great French causes who are just waiting for you to fill their ranks:

  • AFM Téléthon, which has been fighting every day since 1958 to overcome disabling rare genetic diseases;
  • Les Restos du cœur, 75,000 volunteers and more than 1,900 activity centers for this association launched by a certain Coluche in 1985, they are counting on you!;
  • The Hospital Foundation, which works every day to offer better care conditions to patients and improve the daily lives of carers and caregivers;
  • France nature Environment, small daily actions, one small step for man, one big step for the planet!
  • Aid and action that places access to education for all at the heart of its commitment.

Giving your time:at the heart of the action

Do you prefer to be at the heart of the action and act directly on the ground? Serve hot meals in the street proudly carrying the values ​​of the Abbé Pierre Foundation or welcome a child with the Sol En Si association? All of this is within your reach, the number of workers in the field tends to become rarer over the years and the door is wide open to you. Know that if you wish to support an association more locally, the Associations.gouv site contains a veritable mine of information on the associative world:conferences, events in your region or even news, become unbeatable on volunteering!

It is said that the first symptom of volunteering is friendliness. Have fun, it's contagious! If you don't feel ready to join the movement just yet, why not start by doing some social action at your workplace?