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Why are you going to love the bike?

Why are you going to love the bike?

Want to get back to sport for the summer? How about cycling? Economical, practical and effective for keeping the line, the little queen has it all. Discover the good reasons to get on your bike. Be careful, you will have no more excuses!

Why take up cycling?

Getting into sport after a long period of sedentary life can be difficult. Cycling is a smooth way to get back into it. Your body will thank you, but not only! Here are the other reasons why cycling has its advantages.

Cycling is good for the planet

Exit crowded subways and traffic jams to go to work. By opting for cycling, you ride green and emit no greenhouse gases. This is your contribution to the planet. And in addition, you will save a considerable amount of time!

Have a dream figure

Whether indoors or outdoors, the bike is very good for keeping in shape. Not only does it shape the legs, but it also helps firm the glutes and abs. All this without suffering as much as jogging. A bit of cycling every day coupled with a healthy and balanced diet is the guarantee of having a firm and healthy body all year round.

The bike, a real fat burner

1 hour of cycling on flat ground, at 15 km/h =approximately 300 calories soared. At the rate of 3 times a week, you will quickly say goodbye to superfluous kilos.

Share moments with family

Nothing like a family bike ride on a Sunday afternoon to get together and share a unique moment. Riding together while admiring the landscape, what could be more enjoyable? Moments that will remain etched in the minds of your children for life. All without touching the leisure budget.

Pedaling relaxes and it's proven!

Getting some fresh air, pedaling in the city or in the heart of nature in the countryside is a powerful anti-stress. We feel like we're growing wings, we avoid traffic jams and the dissatisfaction they cause, we admire the landscape... It's been scientifically proven:cycling stimulates the production of endorphins, those famous hormones of pleasure.

Cycling is good for your wallet

At a time when fuel prices are soaring, riding a bike is not a luxury. Not to mention the inevitable costs on a car (maintenance, repairs, etc.). If you take public transport, your subscription is also paid for, and sometimes very expensive. On the other hand, riding a bike is totally free.

How to start cycling smoothly?

Find your rhythm

Start by setting small goals for your first few sessions:30-45 minutes on flat ground. Let it pass for a few days then increase the duration by 10-15 minutes, and so on. Above all, warm up before and after each session to avoid aches. Once you get the hang of it, you can even go on long hikes. The France Vélo Tourisme website [1] helps you find your ideal route throughout France. Choose the difficulty, the duration, the theme. Click. And hop, let's go!

Map my Ride, the must-download app

This multifunctional app records your performance, sends you messages of encouragement while you ride and suggests routes for you to discover. A little extra:you can share your results with the community!

Choose the right bike

Please note, a city bike is not a mountain bike! To find the ideal bike, here are the questions to ask yourself:what type of terrain will you be riding on? Flat or with a drop? How often are you going to pedal? Over what distance? What degree of comfort do you require? Then, go to the store to try the bikes adapted to your morphology and your practice.

Where to find partners for cycling?

Your family or friends don't share your new passion? Cycling alone can quickly become boring. What if you pedal together to motivate yourself? The clubs of the French Cycling Federation [2] are perfect for meeting people who share the same passion as you. Another more original possibility:find a cycling partner on Sportpartner[3], a sports dating site with more than 100,000 members.

So, this summer, will you pedal, or will you not? The answer is all found. All the reasons listed above will certainly make you want to pedal.


