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Spring smoothies to tickle your taste buds

Spring smoothies to tickle your taste buds

In order to forget the 4 walls of your confinement and get away from it all, make smoothies! Strawberries, kiwis, rhubarb, mangoes and fresh spinach, here are the new friends with whom you will celebrate the arrival of sunny days while staying at home. A real glass of fresh air, enough to reboost you! Are your taste buds titillating? Wait until you read our delicious recipes with spring flavors.

What is a smoothie?

In English, "smooth" means unctuous, smooth... A smoothie is a drink halfway between juice and fruit puree. It is made with mixed fruits or vegetables, crushed ice, frozen yogurt, honey…

This beverage appeared in the United States in 1960 thanks to ice cream vendors wanting to offer a healthy product to their customers. Set out to conquer gourmets all over the world, it has become a popular drink with the French. The French smoothie market is even estimated at 41.2 million euros in 2018.[1]

Why are smoothies delicious?

Because it's tasty? Yes, but not only. If followers of the healthy lifestyle love this drink, it is no coincidence. The smoothie is a drink rich in vitamins, water, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, potassium and carotene. It helps eliminate toxins while being a remarkable appetite suppressant. A large glass of this fruit purée provides all the nutrients necessary for a balanced diet.

In recent years, the smoothie has been on the healthy page. Detox smoothie, tan activator, energizer, antioxidant… the drink comes in endless varieties and reveals its magical powers.

Did you know?

If you pay attention to your line, avoid fruits that are too sweet (grapes, cherries, plums). According to the WHO, the daily sugar intake for adults should be no more than 30g, and one piece of fruit is on average 12g! Personalized support will let you know what to do to eat healthy and stay in shape.

When to sip smoothies?

The smoothie is a healthy snack that is ideally eaten as a snack or for breakfast. Homemade smoothies should be consumed within ten minutes to preserve all of the nutrients. Commercial smoothies, on the other hand, can be stored for up to two days after opening.

Our seasonal smoothie recipes for two

Only the ingredients change. For the preparation, it's always the same:add all the ingredients in your blender and mix until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.

Original recipe:blueberry, raspberry and mango anti-aging smoothie

  • 200g blueberries
  • 125g raspberries
  • 1 mango
  • 100ml fresh water

Tip:pass the raspberries through a sieve to remove the small grains, which are unpleasant to taste.

Gourmet Recipe:Strawberry-Rhubarb Spring Smoothie


  • 250ml cow or soy milk
  • 125g strawberries
  • 85g rhubarb, cut into pieces
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sugar

Green Recipe:Avocado-Spinach-Maple Smoothie

To prepare it you will need:

  • A ripe avocado
  • A cup of tightly packed fresh spinach
  • 1/2 + 1/4 (185ml) cup almond milk
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • A tablespoon of maple syrup (or more to taste)

Refreshing Recipe:Spinach Smoothie


  • 1/2 banana
  • 150g frozen zucchini
  • 1 handful of fresh spinach
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 4-5 fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 kiwi
  • 1 date or prune
  • 180ml of water

Smoothies:three tips to remember

– To save time, buy your favorite frozen fruits on the market and always keep some in the freezer. Even better:take advantage of the April and May harvests to freeze your garden fruits in advance, washed, peeled and cut into pieces.

– For creamy smoothies, always add a few slices of banana.

– Finally, keep the skin of your fruits and vegetables:this is where the vitamins are hidden.

Spring is here! It's time to have fun while doing good for your health. To detoxify your body after long winter months, nothing better than a good smoothie with spring flavors. With our delicious recipes, are you ready to succumb to the smoothie trend?

[1] Source:Iri.