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Indoor Karting:Pros and Cons

An activity created by French people, connected karting continues to be talked about. Whether individuals or entrepreneurs who have tasted it, during seminars, everyone praises the merits of this activity combining fun and tactics.

What is connected karting and what are the strengths of this fun activity?

Each kart is equipped with a laser gun. While driving, drivers must touch other participants to make them lose speed. This is the only way for them to earn some but also to earn points. It is therefore not enough to cross the finish line first or even simply to be a good shooter. It is therefore the mixture of all this that contributes to the growing success of this activity.

Individuals appreciate the fact of being able, within the same game, to involve children. Smaller and lower speed karts are put on the circuit, for children from 9 years old.

Men and women who do not necessarily like the same games are unanimous:the fact that this one combines several actions in one is a real plus and the laughter is quick to burst out:difficult to rotate your kart 360° to hit a recalcitrant adversary, while not serving as a target for others. But that's exactly why it's so appealing.

As for companies, they still hope to renew the activities offered during business seminars. The tactical side that must be put in place allows them to have a broader vision of the skills of their employees.

Connected karting therefore seems to be a very attractive game:does it have any dark sides?

Are there any disadvantages to practicing karting indoors?

The big disadvantage of traditional karting; these are the fumes from the fireballs. Although the premises are generally large and well ventilated, people breathe in toxic fumes. It is on the basis of this principle (and also for the sake of the environment) that the designers of connected karting have endeavored to offer only electric-powered karts.

No health risk, therefore, for this activity which can be rented every month of the year. Spare batteries are provided for all vehicles, so that the game is not ruined by a machine that fails in the level of the charge.

Circuits that are modular; because composed of inflatable structures; can be developed according to the desires of the participants:easy course or on the contrary, full of turns to make the game even more difficult. However, the size of the room must lend itself to this kind of scenario.

Finally, the only drawback that can be found in connected karting is its phenomenal success. To be able to take advantage of it, you have to hurry to contact the company, in order to reserve your batch of electric karts and the circuit so that the activity is available when you want.