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Netflix:5 things you need to know

The origins of the famous sound “Toudoum” and the word “Netflix”, its date of creation, the number of hours spent on the platform in France... Here are the 5 things to know about Netflix. Let's go !

The famous "Toudoum" comes from a cult scene from a Netflix series

Netflix's famous "Toudoum" is a moment of enjoyment when you start a new episode of your favorite series. But, do you know where the origin of this sound identity comes from? Well, this “Toudoum” is actually inspired by the series “House of Cards” . Indeed, at the end of season 2 of the American thriller, actorKevin Spacey knocks twice on his desk, and produces this sound which has now become cult.

41% of people who watch Netflix do not pay any subscription

If certain methods exist to have Netflix for free, 41% of people who watch films or series on the platform do not pay any subscription, but not for the same reason. They take advantage of the generosity of their loved ones to obtain the "famous codes" and subscribe for free. A blow for subscribers who pay each month out of pocket, a budget ranging from 7.99 euros for a single person to 15.99 euros for a subscription of 4 people.

2 hours viewing per day

According to a 2019 report by Business Insider, each French person spent an average of 2 hours per day in front of Netflix. What to watch the equivalent of 2 episodes of 50 min of the British series "Sex Education and 20 mins of "What's We Watching". Or you can use Netflix Secret Codes to access even more hidden content.

A platform created long before Youtube and Facebook

Netflix was created before Youtube (2005), Facebook (2004) and even the 3310 (2000)! Founded in 1997, Netflix started out as a home video store service. Customers paid the platform to rent the DVD of their choice. Today, Netflix has become the most watched streaming platform in the world. According to Médiamétrie, nearly 13.8 million French people watched Netflix at least once in 2019. Today, the American platform has nearly 130 million subscribers worldwide, according to the Crossworlds site.

Netflix or “Webcinoche” in French

We end this article with the surprising origin of the word “Netflix”. “Net” simply comes from “Internet”. “Flix” is inspired by the English word “Flicks” which means “Cinoche”. In French, it gives the rather funny word "Webcinoche"! Not bad is not it ?