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Thomas Pesquet:discover his playlist on board the ISS

Since joining the ISS, Thomas Pesquet has dazzled us. This time, it attacks our ears. Discover the Spotify playlist of the music he listens to from space.

It doesn't stop anymore. From here, we see Thomas Pesquet doing so many activities, it almost seems like the astronaut is not working. Despite a very busy schedule with his Alpha mission, he always finds the time to share his photos, news and now his music with earthlings. So, what resonates in the ISS?

A genius and a king of the comm'. Yesterday Thomas Pesquet was performing live from space with the band Coldplay for the release of their latest single "Higher Power". The group teamed up with the French astronaut for an extraterrestrial video chat. Today, ESA shares the astronaut's playlist. And as much to say that our little national genius has rather rock'n'roll tastes!

Eclectic tastes

First the podium with his first 3 choices:He starts with the album "Wake up" by the collective of New York artists Brass Against , followed by Ooh Child and Keny Loggins. This is followed by Gun'n roses and Queen of course. Our music-loving astronaut (yes, he also plays the saxophone!) has never hidden his taste for rock bands.

But like his many passions, his tastes are rather eclectic. There is also a lot of pop and electro . The Do, Chinese man, Wax Taylor. He plays on Embrace by PNAU, and lets himself be rocked by softer universes like Bohemian Rhapsody or more groovy with the title "If you stay" by Alex Hepburn and Gravity.

On the moon with Bigflo &Oli

The overwhelming majority of his playlist is in English. On the French side, only two musics. We findthe single "Paris" of Brigitte, the duo of French singers composed of Sylvie Hoarau and Aurelia Saadaet.

And a little rap with... Sur la lune of course by BigFlo &Oli. "One day I will go to the moon, one day I will "He's one of the only guys who can sing it being so close! And finally, get ready:Thomas Pesquet is listening from Cumbia! It remains to be seen if he can dance in weightlessness? We would like to see him there anyway!