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Netflix:the platform is launching a new feature that you will love

The Netflix streaming platform is launching a new feature:an automatic content download mode on the mobile application. We explain everything to you.

Netflix never stops offering new things to its subscribers. Whether in terms of programs such as mini-series or ever more original films, but also in terms of features, the platform is constantly evolving. For example, you can now set a timer if you're the type to fall asleep in front of your screen.

And all these changes pay off:according to Médiamétrie, in France alone, it's nearly 19 million people who consult the streaming site each month.

What's the latest from Netflix?

The streaming platform still offers a new feature called "custom downloads". Indeed, from now on, you will be able to have on your smartphone the first episodes of a few different series likely to please you which will download automatically.

The algorithm will be based on the views you have made and will then offer you similar content that you may be able to enjoy and you can watch offline. Another perfect novelty for the undecided who have trouble choosing their next program!

A feature available on Android

For the moment, only Android users can benefit from this novelty. This feature is not activated automatically. The person must launch the update of the application, then go to the "downloads" category of the application. Then, we choose the volume of content that we want to authorize for downloading. You have the choice between 1GB, 3GB or 5GB.

You must be on wifi for the content to load on the phone, but once saved, you no longer need an internet connection to be able to consult it . Another brilliant idea from Netflix.