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Homes of the future:What are the global trends for smart buildings?

Intelligent buildings enjoy an indisputable interest. Unsurprisingly, this phenomenon evokes more than promising global trends. According to multiple predictions, what will be the future of these connected homes? Why is it essential to secure these installations via a VPN or other effective solutions/tricks? This article will allow us to take stock of these relevant questions.

What is a smart building?

Energy consumption as the main objective

A smart building (also called building automation) can be defined as a construction using computer technologies. These ensure permanent communication via an internet access point. The transmission and storage of information about the building promotes optimal adaptation to energy consumption. In short, these autonomous real estate constructions are capable of generating non-negligible savings. This article published on the website will allow you to learn more about it.

Multiple attractive features

The system of an intelligent building can communicate with other equipment. It is possible, for example, to automatically close or open shutters or even maintain an ideal temperature based on a "spatial analysis". This will define whether or not the activation of connected solutions depends on a human presence.

Building automation can also be used to manage common areas such as:

  • Car parks
  • Elevators
  • Apartment hallways

Similarly, a smart building will be able to alert a household when an installation deteriorates or breaks down (heating, sanitary, electrical, etc.). Of course, a preventive renovation will inevitably evoke lower costs.

The benefits of building automation

Home automation is complementary to building automation. This second technology refers to many computerized devices designed to maximize the comfort of a home. Indeed, communication between various equipment (refrigerators, coffee makers, smoke sensors, smartTV, etc.) makes it possible to automate activation or deactivation depending on the presence of an inhabitant. Other settings can be entered from a connected smartphone.

The interest of professionals

Building automation also appeals to professionals for many reasons. In addition to reducing energy costs, a connected building can impact "profitability" and employee retention. Indeed, the comfort and assistance of these autonomous systems provide significant well-being.

Promising global trends

Every year, ecology gains particular interest. Logically, building automation will gradually become an essential solution for limiting energy expenditure. According to statistics from many experts, the global smart building market is expected to reach US$61.9 billion in 2024. In 2016, it was valued at US$5.8 billion. An increase of 34% is therefore estimated during this period. These data relate to approximately 50% of professional establishments.

However, building automation remains inaccessible for a majority of households. Indeed, the profitability regarding energy savings is attractive. However, the installation of these high-tech systems imposes a substantial budget.

When cybersecurity becomes a priority

Each connected device or installation is affected by the risks associated with cybercrime. Of course, connected buildings are no exception. A report published on the site mentions non-negligible threats where the physical security of a building and its data can be compromised.

What are the risks?

Nowadays, various threats are identified including:

  • Voice cloning used to impersonate an individual
  • The installation of virtual equipment to interact with a door locking system
  • Remote deactivation of an alarm
  • The spread of unwanted files (malware) via a home network

Other situations mention the hacking of connected thermostats. In addition to the energy expenditure generated by these malicious manipulations, some hackers go so far as to impose a ransom on their victims in order to restore the proper functioning of the installation.

Faced with such threats, securing a building or home automation network becomes essential.

How to secure a building automation system?

Install every update suggested by the manufacturer

Updating the firmware of your equipment is essential to correct certain security vulnerabilities. However, remember to check the source of the download before proceeding with an installation.

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Strengthen identification by passwords

Passwords are often overlooked by users of connected devices. However, these elements are able to prevent intrusions perpetrated by hackers. For better efficiency, it is recommended to favor complex passwords.

Install a VPN

Finally, installing a VPN is an "all-in-one" solution to boost your security while maximizing your anonymity on the web. To find out more about the compatibility of your devices, check the offers offered by the providers before validating your subscription.

To conclude

If connected buildings and home automation provide significant comfort, these technologies are also affected by cybercrime. The solutions presented in this article will allow you to solve this problem.