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Conspiracy theories:would it be possible to integrate nanochips into a vaccine?

When the anti-COVID-19 vaccines arrived, developed in record time, some remained skeptical, even extremely suspicious. And for good reason:rumor has it that these vaccines have been formulated in such a way as to be able to spy on and/or control people, by means of integrated nanochips. A hypothesis that has spread rapidly in groups of conspiratorial users of social networks. But what is it really?

To be as transparent as possible, Pfizer and BioNTech very quickly released the list of ingredients making up their RNA vaccine. Among these, "lipid nanoparticles", which some suspect of containing nano-computers... Remember that a nanoparticle, by definition, is a small particle whose size is between 1 and 100 nanometers (i.e. between 0 .000001 and 0.0001 millimeter).

In the case of a vaccine, the nanoparticles in question are tiny lipid droplets intended to protect the active ingredient of the vaccine, the messenger RNA in this case; without this "protective barrier", it would be immediately destroyed in the extracellular medium. They are also designed to degrade gradually and pose no danger to the body. But the mere term "nanoparticles" has given rise to fanciful theories in some minds.

Simple fat particles

More or less wild rumors surround the anti-COVID-19 vaccines available today. For example, some are convinced that Bill Gates wants...

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