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12 Star Wars Mistakes You've Never Seen Before

Star Wars It's back, and in spectacular style. But while The Force Awakens stands alone as the start of a new era, there are six previous Star Wars Movies for fans, old and new alike, to watch endlessly on repeat.

If you do, it means that you begin to see things that you had missed on the first view, and even the second or third view. Crew members where they shouldn't be, anachronistic technology, and continuity errors galore.

We've rounded up the biggest and best. Star Wars mistakes in an article to make sure you spot them the next time you watch these great movies.

Major bug

Some would say that testing a movie for bugs is a way of ruining the whole experience. 4 Ways To Watch Movies To Be More Fun 4 Ways To Watch Movies To Be More Fun You may not have realized that your enthusiasm for movies is waning. It's not the good old days anymore. and I'm sure watching movies used to be more fun... Read More Others call it harmless fun, and have dedicated entire websites 5 Websites to Catch Movie Goofs and Bloopers 5 Websites to Catch Movie Goofs and Bloopers Read More For some, it may be a peek behind the curtain at Oz, a look at how our favorite movies are made.

The bugs listed here aren't the only ones you'll encounter in Star Wars. movies… away of that. All you have to do is go to the IMDb page for any of the movies, or search the Interwebs for "Star Wars Mistakes" and you'll find dozens of examples. Yet here are some of the biggest and most noticeable mistakes in movies that you really should have seen but probably didn't.

Please note that this is in no way a disparagement of the franchise. The MakeUseOf writers are so into Star Wars Like the next bunch of geeks. Just a quick search of this site will take you to articles about celebrating Star Wars Day, the impossibility of lightsabers You'll never have a real lightsaber, because science you'll never be a real lightsaber, because science ever since viewers first saw the lightsaber in Star Wars Episode IV:A new hope, there has been a demand for a real one. Unfortunately, science suggests real lightsabers are an impossibility. Read more, the Star Wars canon, and even read Star Wars fanfiction.

However, no film is flawless, no matter the amount of airbrushing. “remastered special edition” versions are released to the masses. Here are some of the bugs you won't believe you missed in Star Wars Movies ... and that you can never stop watching. You're welcome!

Episode I:The Phantom Menace

The first of the prequels, and probably the worst. Star Wars movie of all time.

Maybe Transmit Midi-Chlorians?

During the invasion of the capital city of Naboo, Queen Amidala stares out the window at the enemy forces, powerless to stop them from harming her people. She is in full costume and makeup, and her ceremonial dress has bright orange balloons near the hem.

Although one would think this would require no more than a few batteries, the suit apparently needed some extra power, as a power cord can be seen winding around a column towards her dress at the bottom of the shot. .

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

The birth of C-3P0

When nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker wants to show off her new friend Padme, he takes her into his room to show her the robot he's building. He tells her that he has been building what would become the series' resident comic relief, the protocol droid C-3P0 (although why such a droid would help her slave mother, who works for a mechanic, remains unclear). say).

When he turns on the C-3P0, he quickly remembers to put the other eye on the droid. On the shot where he raises his eye, he raises it to 3P0's face with his left hand. In the next shot, he is putting the eye with his right hand..

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Episode II:Attack of the Clones

It's arguably a better movie than the previous one, but it's still far from good.

Padme's Magical Wardrobe

We've all heard the jokes about Padme's over-the-top outfits. When she was queen, her sophisticated makeup and outfits could be rationalized as ceremonial attire or attempts to hide the lure of her, but even as a politician, the woman wears an elegant style and demonstrates apparent magic with clothing..

In the scene where she is packing for a trip with Anakin, she is seen in one shot holding a folded pink garment. In the next shot, and without being off camera once, she changed it into a wrinkled dark blue garment..

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Who uses a knife and fork to eat a pear??

During their extended stay on Naboo, Padme and Anakin enjoy a fruit snack together. Trying to show off, Anakin levitates Padme's pear onto her plate, slices it with her utensils, then levitates it back to her...

Leaving aside the fact that the CGI is so poor that a piece of the fruit disappears into Padme's mouth before her teeth close on it, the piece Anakin throws back isn't even half the size of the piece. that cut twice before..

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Episode III:Revenge of the Sith

The best of the prequels, but still not good enough to set the originals.

That's not how gravity works

In the middle of the battle at the beginning of the film, the ship the heroes are on is knocked into free fall by the gravity of the planet it is orbiting. The ship's artificial gravity is somehow redirected to the nose of the ship, which means the orientation of gravity changes by ninety degrees.

However, artificial gravity is not an hourglass:if it were still active, the floor would still be the floor, no matter how the ship was oriented. If disabled, everyone and everything inside the ship will free fall.

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

How to hold a lightsaber

During the big fight on Mustafar between Anakin and Obi-Wan, Anakin almost won during a clash. He grabs Obi-Wan's wrist and thrusts his mentor's own lightsaber down his throat.

In an even more glaring continuity error due to being in the foreground of two close-ups, Obi-Wan not only manages to slide his hand down the lightsaber hilt, but in the second shot he appears to be holding a different position. full lightsaber.

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Episode IV:A New Hope

The movie that started it all, and changed a film genre forever.

Obvious is still obvious

The morning after R2-D2 runs away from Lars's farm, Luke goes out looking for him before his uncle Owen wakes up. There is an establishing shot of the farm bathed in morning light, just before Owen says Luke's name.

You wouldn't usually be able to tell this is a still image, but there's a blurry Luke on the far right of the screen. Either this is some kind of double exposure or Mark Hamill was in the shot when it was taken. Either way, it's obviously a still image.

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Extra crew member on the Falcon?

Just as the Millennium Falcon makes its escape from Mos Eisley, there is a close-up of Han Solo in the cockpit. Just over his right shoulder, he can see the shoulder of a person in a light colored shirt, possibly green, standing just outside the door, who slips out of the shot in a few seconds..

It is possible that it was supposed to be Obi-Wan or Luke, and both are shown to be wearing light robes. But they were buckling up in another part of the boat seconds before, so it can't be either of them. So who is that?

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Episode V:The Empire Strikes Back

The movie that most fans consider to be the best of all. But it's not flawless.

Goliath's felling

The unorthodox solution of using tow cables to take down the massive and relentless Imperial Walkers during the Rebels' fight to defend their Hoth base was impressive in itself. But Luke takes it one step further using nothing more than his lightsaber and a grenade...

We'll gloss over the fact that throwing a grenade into the Walker's landing gear caused the cockpit to explode. Apparently, Luke had help to bring this giant down, as you can clearly see a stick pushing on the Walker's foot, causing him to fall.

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Han Escape Restrictions

This one technically goes through two movies, but it starts at Episode v . When Han is encased in carbonite to be delivered to Jabba the Hutt by Boba Fett, he is initially held captive with wrist restraints.

As he is about to be lowered into the carbonite chamber, they retreat, likely because he wouldn't have tried to escape and risked Leia and Chewbacca's lives. However, he still has a restraining harness on his upper arms and on his back. This is not about him when he is thawed out in the next movie..

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Episode VI:Return of the Jedi

The last film of the original trilogy, when the story of Darth Vader comes to an end..

Lando's Black Gloves

During the battle over the Sarlacc Pit, poor Lando is kicked out of the boat used to transport the heroes. For a few tense moments, he dangles precariously over the jaws of the beast and nearly falls over..

Some of the shots were made very obviously by Billy Dee Williams' stunt double, and he can usually be seen looking at his hands. Lando wears black gloves in some shots but not in others, and all of the bare-handed shots are close-ups of the actor's face.

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

Shoulder Swap

Lando can't seem to stop himself with the costume changes between shots. In the Rebel perch just before the mission over and over over the moon of Endor, Han and Lando have a long talk about the Millennium Falcon.

Initially, Lando's shoulder holster is attached from his right shoulder to his left hip. As Han walks away and then turns, there's a photo of Lando saying, "Could you please go, pirate??" This shot is reversed, as Lando's holster is attached from his left shoulder to his right hip and the badge is on the other side of his chest.

12 Star Wars Mistakes You ve Never Seen Before

What's your favorite Star Wars mistake?

As we made clear at the beginning of this piece, these are by no means the only bugs in Star Wars. films. So, the floor is yours now to tell us which ones you noticed that we haven't mentioned here? Please let us know in the comments section below !