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25 Of The Best Vine Videos Of All Time

It's official. Twitter has confirmed that it is killing Vine. Twitter is killing Vine, letting Instagram win Twitter is killing Vine, letting Instagram win Twitter is killing Vine, with the social media company shutting down the short video service for unknown reasons. Rest in peace. Read More

The news is sad, but not entirely unexpected. The app hasn't received any new features or received a major update for many months, and is falling far behind some of its social media competitors, such as YouTube and Facebook, in terms of functionality.

The formal closing date has yet to be announced. Twitter has only suggested that it will happen "in the coming months." The app will go first, but the website will surely follow. And that means the archive of old Vine videos can be lost forever.

So before all those awesome videos go the same way as VHS cassettes, MiniDiscs, and MySpace, is Facebook going the same way as MySpace? Is Facebook going the same way as MySpace? It happened with the massive AOL Online community during the dial-up days, with Yahoo Search in the late 1990s. And history is more likely to repeat itself with Facebook. Why? Read More

1. Musically Gifted Dogs

Dogs playing music - a sure winner in the Vine-verse. I heard that Coldplay is looking for a new drummer..

2. Fugitive trash

One Vine user managed to record the local authority practicing their new garbage collection technique, then overdubbed a classic pop song. Obviously.

3. Vine's own Leeroy

Do you remember the classic Leeroy Jenkins clip from World of Warcraft ? This guy goes to great lengths to impersonate him.

4. Beautiful music, beautiful images

Who said six seconds was too short? This talented musician does a fantastic job of highlighting just how awesome the Vine format can be.

5. idiotic politicians

Politicians are always good at laughing. None other than former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who thought it would be a good idea to eat a raw onion (skin and all) while on the campaign trail.

6. Counting Jay-Z's money

Accountant, check. Jay-Z soundtrack, check. The hilarity that follows? Check.

7. Solutions for dog walking

Dogs are great fun. But being forced to crawl outside on a cold, dark winter night to take them for a walk isn't all that appealing.

This woman found a simple solution..

8. An unusual alarm clock

Parents, do you have a hard time getting your child out of bed in the morning? Try this effective, if somewhat brutal, technique.

9. Cat Fail

As a couple of these videos have already shown, some pets can be wonderfully talented if given the right training.

In the wild, though, they're just idiots.

10. I can be your hero baby

A woman walking alone through a rough part of town. A scum thief. A knight in shining armor. Or not.

11. Social Comment

It's not all stupid cats and silly jokes. Some users made great Vines by looking at the evolution of technology.

12. Language lessons

English is often said to be one of the most difficult languages ​​for foreign students to learn. After seeing this quick geography clip, we can understand why.

Seriously, Arkansas?

13. Cool Graph, Bro

Nickelback's raspy voice can be difficult for first-time listeners to understand. Vine tries to help with an insightful chart.

You tell us if it worked or not.

14. The best moments of cinema.

Happy Gilmore is a cult classic:what should not be liked is that a loser passes a finger to the golf course.?

And let's be honest, who hasn't tried to recreate that Gilmore drove at least once in his life??!

15. Fan quality information

One for our British readers. Here's an unhappy Arsenal fan reflecting on Arsene Wenger's team selection. Turns out the fan is also Damon Albarn in disguise. #Blur #Parklife.

16. The dangers of reporting the news

A journalist was sent to report on a local bird infestation with predictable results. Just make sure you keep your mouth shut.

17. Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore, tomato ketchup, and a skilled artist with way too much time on his hands. The results are fabulous (and they taste great too).

18. Hot Dog Chef

Where does the name “Pancho” come from anyway? Just try to avoid eating the family pet.!

19. Don't play with your food

It's rude to play with your food at the table (unless you're really talented and a Vine expert). Who knew asparagus could be so much fun?

20. Love your neighbor

Love is a wonderful human emotion, there is nothing to fear..

Or is it there?

21. Let's hold hands

Holding hands with your partner as you take an evening walk in the park is a lovely way to bond. Holding hands with a stranger on the subway, not so much.

22. Eat Dirt Paper

You know when you win a sports championship and accidentally get confetti stuck in your mouth while celebrating? Yes, that.

23. The best slam dunk ever

This one has been recreated countless times since it hit our screens, but it's the best and most original. We could watch it all day..

24. Copier art

Who knew it was possible to make such great art with just a photocopier and your hand? (Though we shudder to think how much paper was wasted in the making of this clip!)

25. Gangsta Cat

And to finish, we leave you with a ghetto cat. Because, well, cats..

Tell us your favorites

So, there you have it:25 of the best Vine clips ever made. At least in our opinion.

However, there is a problem. Vine has over 40 million videos on its service created by some brilliant Vine users. 10 Unique Vine Users You Should Be Following. 10 Unique Vine Users You Should Be Following. If you're still getting into the groove of Twitter's new social app, check out some users you just have to follow. Read more . This equates to approximately 7.5 years of continuous video footage available for viewing. That is until Twitter kills the Vine website too. With that in mind, it's fair to say we probably missed a few.

Help round out our collection by leaving your links to the funniest, most thought-provoking, creative, or inspiring Vine videos in the comments section below. The vine may be dead, but at least we can send it off with a bang!