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7 Essential Kodi Tips for New Users

You have probably heard a lot about Kodi in the news recently. What are Kodi boxes and is it legal to have one? What are Kodi boxes and is it legal to have one? In this article, we not only explain what Kodi boxes are, but also give you a definitive answer about their legality. Read more . The illegal “fully loaded” boxes have received the ire of TV companies, national governments, and even Kodi themselves. Some of the vendors of such devices have found themselves behind bars.

Don't let negative stories get you down. Along with Plex, Kodi is one of the two. “must have” home theater A blueprint for your home theater A blueprint for your home theater Setting up the perfect home theater isn't easy. Read More apps everyone should be using.

If you're just starting your Kodi journey and don't have an idea where to start, we're here to help, with seven essential tips for Kodi beginners. These are all important steps to ensure you maximize your enjoyment of the software. And, most importantly, none of these will get you in trouble with the law.

1. Multiple devices

When you start using Kodi, you will quickly realize that you have gone down a deep and dark rabbit hole. Because there's no end to the amount of tweaking, cheats, and customization you can do.

As such, it's nearly impossible to replicate the same setup across different installations. How to Set Up Your XBMC Media Center How to Set Up Your XBMC Media Center XBMC may have evolved into Kodi, but if you have an older version installed, this guide will help you get set up and get started. Read More It would take too much time and you would always be managing updates and other settings. In other words, don't even try.

However, the very nature of Kodi means that you will probably want to use the app on many different devices. So what can you do?

For beginners, the easiest way is to enable Kodi's Web interface , then access your media through a browser. You will then be able to view all of your media and use all of your plugins.

7 Essential Kodi Tips for New Users

To enable the Web Interface, go to System> Service Settings> Control and enable the switch next to Allow remote control over HTTP . You can leave the port number as the default setting.

Finally, on the device you're looking to view, type [your computer's IP address]:[port number] in the address bar It will probably look something like .

2. Increase buffering limit

If you use Kodi to watch live TV or stream content online How to watch live TV with Kodi and NextPVR How to watch live TV with Kodi and NextPVR Watch and record TV for free with your PC. It's perfectly legal, and a free Windows program called NextPVR makes the process (relatively) simple. Read More Even if you have a fast internet connection, the sheer volume of users on some sources can cause them to constantly buffer.

Of course, it will help to change the streaming quality settings of the offending plugin. However, for a system-wide solution, you need to modify Kodi's cache size.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this from within the app. You need to edit the Kodi one. advancedsettings.xml . Its location will vary depending on your operating system. Here are some of the most common:

  • Android - android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/ (see note)
  • iOS -/private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/userdata/
  • Linux - ~/.kodi/userdata/
  • Mac - /Users//Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata/ (see note)
  • LibreELEC and OpenELEC - /storage/.kodi/userdata/
  • Windows - C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\Userdata

When you have opened the file, you need to locate two lines:20971520 and 1 .

Change the two values ​​accordingly:

  • the memory size determines how much of your computer's RAM Kodi can use. Set it to zero for unlimited.
  • the reading factor changes the cache fill rate (i.e. the amount of bandwidth Kodi can use for buffering). The higher the number, the more bandwidth it will hog.

Save the file and you can say goodbye to buffering in streamed content.!

3. Use legal plugins

Yes, there are many Kodi addons that provide illegal live TV and video on demand (VOD). Don't use them, they're unreliable and often more complicated than they're worth.

Instead, use some of the legal methods. If you are in doubt about the legality of a service, you should stick to the official Kodi repository addons. It is pre-installed in the app.

Inside it, you can find live TV from BBC iPlayer, Al Jazeera, and ESPN. You can also find plenty of VOD content from providers like ABC Family, NBC, Crunchyroll, and Bravo.

7 Essential Kodi Tips for New Users

To install a video addon from the official repository, go to Addons> Browser Addon> Install from repository> Kodi addon repository> Video Addons (directed to Plugins> Download> Video Plugins will show content from all your repositories combined).

Note: The availability and legality of some add-ons varies depending on your location. For example, it's only legal to use BBC iPlayer if you live in the US and pay for a TV license.

4. Create your news sources

Kodi has made its name through its video capabilities, but the app has so much more potential. If you only use Kodi to watch videos, you're missing out on some really cool features.

For example, there is a live ticker at the bottom of the screen. On Kodi v16 (Jarvis) and earlier, it was enabled by default. In version 17 (Krypton) and later, you need to activate it manually.

7 Essential Kodi Tips for New Users

To do so, go to System> Interface Settings> Others and toggle the switch next to Show RSS news feeds .

To customize your feeds, click Edit . Kodi will ask you to install an addon. When the installation is complete, add the RSS feeds of your choice.

5. Explore the official repository

I have already mentioned some of the best video apps in the official repository, but there are 17 different categories to explore. As a beginner, you can give some of them a wide berth. However, some categories that are often overlooked are packed with great plugins.

7 Essential Kodi Tips for New Users

In Look and Feel you will find new skins, screen savers, sounds and languages. Open Weather to find apps from the British Met Office, Weather Underground and Yahoo Weather, and check out Picture plugins to find content from Flickr, Facebook and OneDrive.

You can find all non-video content in Addons> Addon Browser> Install from repository> Kodi Addon Repository .

The more non-video add-ons you install, the more you'll appreciate Kodi's holistic approach to entertainment.

6. Create multiple profiles

It is common for many people to use a Kodi instance. If you are running Kodi on a dedicated set-top box How to choose the best Kodi box for your needs How to choose the best Kodi box for your needs Want to buy a Kodi box but not sure which one to go for? In this article, we recommend particular frames for particular needs, helping you narrow down your options. Read More

This can cause problems. Después de todo, no quieres que el álbum de Ariana Grande de tu hija se mezcle con tu colección Pink Floyd.

7 Essential Kodi Tips for New Users

La solución es crear perfiles separados para todos los usuarios. 12 formas de hacer de Kodi el mejor reproductor de medios para usted. 12 formas de hacer de Kodi el mejor reproductor de medios para usted. Este artículo explora las mejores formas de personalizar Kodi para convertirlo en el mejor reproductor de medios para usted personalmente Convertirlo de ser simplemente bueno en sin vergüenza. Read more . Cada usuario puede tener sus propias máscaras personalizadas, bibliotecas multimedia, fuentes RSS y configuración de red. Los usuarios administradores también pueden bloquear carpetas por usuario, lo que permite una forma primitiva de control parental.

Para crear perfiles adicionales, navegue hasta Sistema> Configuraciones de perfil> Perfiles> Agregar perfil . Una vez que haya creado una entrada para todos en su hogar, asegúrese de ir al General pestaña y selecciona Mostrar pantalla de inicio de sesión en el inicio .

7. Copia de seguridad de su configuración

Si has estado siguiendo nuestros consejos mientras trabajas en este artículo, ya habrás cambiado muchas configuraciones. Por lo tanto, su versión de Kodi no se parecerá en nada al software nuevo que instaló hace unas horas. ¿No sería terrible perder todo tu trabajo duro??

Como cualquier cosa en una computadora, necesitas hacer copias de seguridad frecuentes. Es posible hacer copias de seguridad manuales, pero como principiante, es más fácil usar un complemento del programa desde el repositorio oficial.

7 Essential Kodi Tips for New Users

Ir Complementos> Descargar> Complementos del programa y desplácese hacia abajo hasta que encuentre una aplicación llamada Apoyo . Haga clic en el nombre de la aplicación y seleccione Instalar .

Para ejecutar una copia de seguridad, siga Complementos> Complementos de programa> Copia de seguridad . Cuando ejecute el complemento por primera vez, deberá seleccionar algunas preferencias, como la ubicación de copia de seguridad y la programación.

El mismo complemento le permite restaurar copias de seguridad después de un bloqueo o mal funcionamiento.

¿Cuáles son tus impresiones iniciales de Kodi??

Ahí tienes. Varios consejos increíbles para cualquiera que sea nuevo en Kodi. Si dedica algún tiempo a realizar los ajustes recomendados y al explorar el repositorio oficial, comenzará su viaje Kodi con el pie derecho..

Si eres nuevo en Kodi, nos encantaría saber de ti. ¿Te encuentras algún problema con la aplicación? ¿Qué ajustes estás luchando para entender? ¿Encuentras todo confuso? Por favor, deja todos tus comentarios y preguntas sobre Kodi abajo.