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9 Harry Potter Magical Gadgets You Might Really Own

Who wouldn't want to live in the world of Harry Potter, surrounded by the glories of magic? But as Arthur C. Clarke wrote, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Slowly but surely, science is catching up to the wonders you read about in the wonderful books written by J. K. Rowling.

Some of the magical doodads described in the Harry Potter universe have already come true, perhaps without you realizing it, while others are about to become reality. We dive into the list of magical items in the Potter books to see how close the technologists are to bringing this entire world to life.

The Marauder's Map

The Marauder's Map is a magical map that shows every inch of Hogwarts School, along with the location of every person on campus. It's a massive system to keep track of anyone, anywhere.

9 Harry Potter Magical Gadgets You Might Really Own

In the real world, someone really did make a Marauders Map! It is a Chrome extension that shows the location of all your friends on Facebook Messenger. In fact, not just your friends, but anyone you're in a one-on-one or group chat with. Yes, you may be sharing your location on Facebook without knowing it. Are you sharing your location on Facebook without knowing it? [Weekly Facebook Tips] Are you unknowingly sharing your location on Facebook? [Weekly Facebook Tips] Have you been inadvertently giving your stalkers your address? You may accidentally be giving all your Facebook friends the exact location of your home, your office, and where your kids go to school. Read more.

It's not just Facebook though Your smartphone, which is always with you, is sharing your location with various apps you may not even know about.

Right now, however, things haven't gotten so bad that any random citizen can bring up a map showing the location of every other person in the world. A more practical implementation of the Marauder's Map is in the form of something like the Weasley Clock.

Weasley Clock

While you wouldn't want your current location to be public knowledge, it can be useful when used with the right people. For example, tracking down your family is not necessarily a bad thing. Why tracking your significant other's location isn't always a bad thing. Why tracking your significant other's location isn't always a bad thing. Read more . The Weasley watch does just that. The clock has nine hands, one for each family member, pointing to your current location, such as "Home", "Work", etc.

9 Harry Potter Magical Gadgets You Might Really Own

Smartphones are again doubling as child tracking tools for concerned parents. What are the best child tracking tools and apps? What are the best child tracking tools and apps? If you are a parent and want to know where your child is at all times, you should try one of these apps. Read More Even built-in tools like Apple's Find My iPhone How to Use Find My iPhone to Get Your Stolen iPhone Back How to Use Find My iPhone to Get Your Stolen iPhone Back Long story short:My wife had her iPhone stolen when she misplaced it at work on another day. I was able to sign in to his iCloud account and finally get the device back. Read More

The Weasleys have some of the coolest magical gadgets in the world of Potter, including a flying car!

Flying Ford Anglia

Arthur Weasley, the head of the Weasley family, cast a charm on an old Ford Anglia to turn it into a flying car. It moves and drives like a car, but hey, to (almost) quote Doc Brown's immortal words from Back to the Future , Where you are going, you don't need roads..

9 Harry Potter Magical Gadgets You Might Really Own

As we pointed out in our ultimate guide to Back to the Future Gadgets Two companies are already hard at work on flying cars. The Terrafugia transition is already functional but not on the roads (or skies) yet due to various laws, while the AeroMobil 3.0 is set to soar into our lives in 2017.

The Flying Ford Anglia has another interesting feature:it can turn invisible!

Invisibility Cloak

Who wouldn't love the ability to become completely invisible to the naked eye? Harry Potter is gifted with a magical invisibility cloak, which he uses on various occasions. Given how useful such a device would be, scientists are hard at work on it and closer than ever.

The most famous demonstration of this technology was at TEDx, when engineer Baille Zhang showed off the world's first 3D invisibility cloak. Most scientists working on this idea are toying with the concept of bending light. The light that bounces off an object is what helps you “see” a 3D object. So these layers are trying to bend the light in a way where instead of bouncing back at you, it flattens out.

Although we are getting closer, we are many years away from seeing it in our homes. Invisibility cloaks would first enter the defense industry, after which we might see commercial use.


One of the coolest yet underrated gizmos in the Potter universe, omnioculars are advanced binoculars. Imagine this:when you are watching some live sports, you will not only be able to zoom in on any particular player and track them automatically. Watch replays (including slow motion) of the action; and get on-screen prompts telling you about the game.

9 Harry Potter Magical Gadgets You Might Really Own

In a nutshell, imagine going to a football game and getting the full television experience of player follow and replay in the stadium. Sony is already making something similar to this, a colloquially called pair of digital video recording binoculars. “Vinoculars”.

Vinoculars can instantly reproduce anything you've ever seen. But that's where it ends. The other features, like on-screen prompts and auto-tracking, aren't on the cards. Still.

In a way, you can take the Vinoculars and add augmented reality like with Google Glass Google Glass Review and Giveaway Google Glass Review and Giveaway We were lucky enough to get a pair of Google Glass to review, and we're giving it away! Read More In the future, we could even see LED contact lenses. Will LED contact lenses make Google Glass obsolete? Will LED Contact Lenses Make Google Glass Obsolete? A contact lens displaying information feels like something out of science fiction, conjuring up images of the Terminator and Bionic Woman. This technology, perhaps the successor to Google Glass, is just around the corner. Read More


The Pensieve is one of the coolest devices in the Potter universe, partially created in our digital world. Pensieve is a memory storage box, accessible to all, with the ability to fully immerse a person as they experience those memories.

In a way, Facebook's On This Day feature How to block people or dates from Facebook's "On This Day" memories How to block people or dates from Facebook's "On This Day" memories Facebook's new "On This Day" feature Facebook automatically points you in past events on any particular date, including painful memories. Read More There is also the practice of life registration. What is life registration and why should I do it? What is Lifelogging and why should I do it? Between Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and more, we already document and share quite a bit about our daily lives, without really thinking about it. They are a kind of life records, but without any kind of structure... Read More From Our Lives:How To Lifelog Online with Photos and Videos Photos or videos are the ideal way to document specific moments of your day, and there are several apps and sites to fit that exact need. At the end of a year of documentation,… Read more .

Of course, this is only a fraction of the Pensieve experience, as you can't actually live these digital memories, just look at them. But in reality, living someone else's memories would not be possible, since the technology only captures visual or auditory data, not thoughts, emotions and the other things that make up our memories.

Two way mirrors

Harry and Sirius Black use a two-way mirror to communicate with each other. One person holds the mirror and says the other person's name, after which the two can see each other and communicate. Hello, free video chat on any smartphone platform Best Smartphone Apps for Free Cross-Platform Video Calls Best Smartphone Apps for Free Cross-Platform Video Calls No matter your platform, from Mac to PC to Android and everything in between. there are among them One of these applications will allow you to make video calls. Read more !

9 Harry Potter Magical Gadgets You Might Really Own

Los teléfonos inteligentes serán, sin duda, más útiles, ya que de igual forma. “espejo” se conecta a cualquier otro “espejo” en el mundo. Pero hay un problema:necesita un plan de datos o cobertura de red de algún tipo, del cual el espejo bidireccional no depende de.

Fotografías en movimiento

En el universo de Potter, las fotografías no son imágenes fijas, generalmente se mueven dentro del marco y, a veces, incluso hablan. Si bien una foto de conversación no va a suceder en el corto plazo, hemos dado algunos pasos para mover fotos..

El último iPhone ha introducido Live Photos Live Photos &4K:por qué no debería comprar un iPhone 6s Live Photos de 16GB y 4K:por qué no debería comprar un iPhone 6s de 16GB Si desea aprovechar la nueva cámara del iPhone 6s, probablemente querrá evitar elegir la opción de almacenamiento de 16GB. Leer más, que está en algún lugar entre una foto y un video. Y, por supuesto, durante mucho tiempo hemos tenido GIF, el lenguaje de los GIF de Internet, el lenguaje de la web:su historia, cultura y futuros GIF, el idioma de la web:su historia, cultura y todo lo que hay en el futuro. Alguna vez quisiste saber sobre la historia de los GIF, cómo han evolucionado y su impacto e importancia cultural. Read more.

Cotizaciones rápidas pluma

El mundo de la magia y la hechicería no ha abrazado la era digital e insiste en usar plumas para escribir cosas a mano. No entremos en el debate sobre si la escritura a mano debe enseñarse en las escuelas ¿Hate Handwriting? I also. Aquí es por qué debemos enseñarlo de todos modos. ¿Odio la escritura a mano? I also. Aquí es por qué debemos enseñarlo de todos modos. Necesitamos dar a los jóvenes la oportunidad de amar la escritura como un arte, en lugar de hacer que la odien como una tarea. Lea más o si la escritura cursiva es obsoleta. La escritura cursiva es obsoleta; Las escuelas deberían enseñar programación En lugar de eso [Opinión] La escritura cursiva es obsoleta; Las escuelas deberían enseñar programación En lugar de eso [Opinión] La escritura cursiva es un anacronismo. Pasar tiempo en el aula es un desperdicio porque, como una habilidad del día a día, no es nada práctico en el mundo moderno y conectado. Read more . El punto más importante es que en el universo de Potter, estas herramientas de escritura tienen muchos de los beneficios que la tecnología nos brinda..

Por ejemplo, está el Quick Quotes Quill, una pluma mágica que captura lo que alguien está dictando y lo escribe. Es básicamente una tecnología de voz a texto, y como ya hemos visto, incluso puedes escribir un artículo completo con dictado. ¿Puedes escribir un artículo completo usando el dictado por voz en la Mac? Bueno, acabo de hacerlo (y esto es todo) ¿Puede escribir un artículo completo usando el dictado por voz en la Mac? Bueno, acabo de hacerlo (y esto es todo) Lo que estás leyendo en este momento es un ejemplo del programa de dictado y habla de Apple en acción. Puede ser útil para pasajes cortos, pero ¿puedes escribir un artículo completo con él? Leer más ahora.

Del mismo modo, hay una pluma de corrección ortográfica. La corrección ortográfica en Office no es nada nuevo Cómo corregir la ortografía y la gramática en Microsoft Word Cómo verificar la ortografía y la gramática en Microsoft Word Puede personalizar las herramientas integradas de corrección ortográfica y ortográfica de Microsoft Word para satisfacer sus necesidades. Incluso puede utilizar Autocorrección para acelerar su escritura. Lea más, e incluso está en nuestros teléfonos ahora en forma de autocorrección.

¿Qué magia quieres ser real??

Con esto concluye nuestra lista de aparatos mágicos que pronto podrías tener. Entonces, fanáticos de Potter, oigámoslo ... ¿cuál de los diversos hechizos o encantamientos mágicos del universo de Harry Potter quiere que sea real??

Por favor, dinos tu opinión en la sección de comentarios a continuación. Puntos extra si puede describir cómo la tecnología puede hacer que suceda.!