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Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

The Chromecast has changed the way we use our televisions. With its extensive app support and Chrome browser integration, it's no wonder so many users access the device to stream media to their TV.

However, if you're streaming high-quality content (or suffer from a poor internet connection), your Chromecast won't be able to stream your content without pausing the buffer. For movie fans, there is nothing worse..

Don't worry! In the following article, we will cover techniques you can use to improve your Steam Chromecast and stop buffering. Note that this is because you have already set up your Chromecast to work with your PC. If you still need to set up your Chromecast How to set up and use your Chromecast How to set up and use your Chromecast If you just got a Chromecast, here's everything you need to know to set it up. Read More

1. Lower the quality settings

Quality settings are often the main issue when streaming video content through your Chromecast. While the Chromecast is a powerful little device, it can only perform as well as your Internet connection allows.

When streaming 4K or HD content, what is the difference between 4K and Ultra HD? What is the difference between 4K and Ultra HD? Thinking of buying a new TV or monitor but feeling lost with all the terminology like 4K and Ultra HD? Here's everything you need to know about it. Read More It also requires data to stream the content, ruining an otherwise smooth stream.

Different streaming platforms have different methods to reduce and increase playback quality. Two main methods for streaming on Chromecast are YouTube and Plex.

To lower the quality of YouTube mobile, simply open the app, select a video and click Options icon. Then tap the Quality Option to change your quality.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Then tap the Chromecast icon and cast to your available option.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

To correct the data settings on your Plex server, click on the start menu and type Plex . Click on the Plex Media Server option. Then right mouse button your Plex icon (in the taskbar tray) and select Open plex . Then when playing a file, click on the Settings icon.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Locate and click on the Quality option under Playback settings .

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

You will be presented with a selection of options.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Select one with a lower Mbps to stream smoother videos at a lower quality. Please note that if you select a higher quality in Plex than the Original Quality Your video will convert while streaming. This can lead to more stuttering.

2. Stream local videos

When you stream a file from the Internet, you must download it before you can view it. Stream it to a Chromecast and it's saving you streaming capacity.

For people with poor Internet connections, this two-step process can render your Internet service unusable. That's why it's much more convenient to cast local videos and other content How to cast local media from Windows to Chromecast How to cast local media from Windows to Chromecast Everything you need to know about streaming movies, music and photos from computer to Chromecast. Read more.

There are several methods to cast your content to a Chromecast. Since they've become so popular in recent years, it's easy to find Chromecast-compatible software by default.

Both Plex and VLC allow users to cast a local file to a Chromecast, although Plex allows for a much better native connection.

Oh, didn't you know that VLC could stream content to a Chromecast by default? Simply open VLC and navigate to Playback> Renderer> .

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Active Chromecast inputs will appear in your list. Select it and you will now be able to stream your local videos to your Chromecast. Since you're technically rendering a video using your Chromecast, both quality and buffering can suffer while streaming.

3. Use an Ethernet adapter

For what it does and enables, the Chromecast is a very small device. The fact that it's not a computer, however, means it lacks essential enhancements like an Ethernet port.

Few Chromecast owners are familiar with the fact that Google makes an official Ethernet adapter for Chromecast.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

While no version of Chromecast comes with a built-in Ethernet port, Chromecast Ultra How to Set Up and Use Your Chromecast Ultra How to Set Up and Use Your Chromecast Ultra Learn how to set up your Chromecast Ultra with this comprehensive guide. Read More For Chromecast 1.0 and 2.0 versions, you will need to purchase the adapter separately.

There are a variety of reasons why an Ethernet port on a Chromecast wouldn't work, but it's good to know there's an easy-to-use, official adapter available to make your Chromecast connection as seamless as possible.

4. Use Chromecast-enabled apps

Not surprisingly, Chromecast-enabled apps offer much better quality and are more secure than unofficial or unsupported apps.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Fortunately, most of the major streaming services are there too many streaming TV services? Are there too many streaming TV services? So, you've thrown the cord and launched yourself into the world of cord cutting. But what now? Is it possible that there are too many streaming TV services to choose from these days? Read More While there are unofficial apps that allow users to cast both online and local content to their Chromecast, you can be sure that the official apps will deliver the highest quality and best streaming possible.

For example, streams will run much better if viewed using the official YouTube service than by mirroring your tab.

5. Change Wi-Fi channels

While there are other, more expensive ways to achieve a faster Internet connection, some methods outweigh the ease and effectiveness of changing Wi-Fi channels. Your Wi-Fi connection occurs through channels, some of which get bogged down over time by multiple connections.

To see what I mean, download WiFi Analyzer from the Microsoft Store. Once installed, open the program by clicking the Start menu and typing "Wifi." Choose the WiFi Analyzer option.

The program will automatically search for your network. Luego, haga clic en el Analizar lengüeta.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Se le presentará un gráfico que muestra la potencia de los canales individuales en su red Wi-Fi y su uso de datos. La idea es elegir un canal con la conexión menos activa, ya que estará menos abarrotado y, por lo tanto, proporcionará un mayor rendimiento..

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Si el gráfico es demasiado difícil de leer, haga clic en el menú etiquetado Recomendación . Esto calificará cada canal individual de 1 a 10, lo que garantiza que haya elegido el mejor y el menos abarrotado canal para conectarse..

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Una vez que haya elegido su canal, navegue a la página de opciones de su enrutador. Deberá ingresar la puerta de enlace predeterminada de su enrutador en la barra de direcciones de un navegador para cambiar las opciones del enrutador. Para encontrar esta secuencia de números, haga clic en el menú Inicio, escriba cmd , y seleccione el Símbolo del sistema . Escribe la palabra ipconfig , prensa Entrar en su teclado, y busque su puerta de enlace predeterminada.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Ingrese esa secuencia en la barra de direcciones de un navegador y presione Entrar . Será redirigido a la página de opciones de su enrutador. A continuación, seleccione una opción para llegar a las opciones inalámbricas de su enrutador. El mío está convenientemente ubicado en la página de destino, pero el tuyo puede diferir.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Desplácese hacia abajo hasta que vea una opción marcada Canales Inalámbricos . Esto se refiere a los canales de Wi-Fi que verificaste previamente.

Choppy Chromecast Streams? 5 tips to help solve your problems

Seleccione una opción y Salvar tu entrada Es posible que deba ingresar el nombre de usuario y la contraseña de su enrutador, que se encuentran en el enrutador. That's it! No solo debería notar una mejor conexión de Chromecast, sino también una conexión a Internet más rápida en general..

Corregir los Stromtering Chromecast Streams

El Chromecast está dominando el panorama del streaming. Con la capacidad de convertir un televisor obsoleto en un televisor inteligente con un solo dispositivo, ¿qué es lo que no me gusta? Sin embargo, aquellos de nosotros con conexiones de Internet por debajo del estándar todavía pueden sufrir problemas de búfer.

Cierra algunos programas. ¿La corriente sigue siendo entrecortada? Cesa las descargas. Todavía entrecortado? Pruebe los consejos anteriores, y seguramente disfrutará de la mejor experiencia de transmisión de su Chromecast. Y si tiene problemas graves de conexión a Internet, corrija su velocidad de Internet con estos ajustes de Windows Fije su velocidad de Internet con estos ajustes de Windows Si está tratando con una conexión a internet lenta, puede probar una serie de ajustes de Windows en gran parte desconocidos para aliviar el uso innecesario de datos . Leer más prueba este artículo en su lugar.