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How to cancel Audible in 6 easy steps

Where can you ask Jeremy Irons, Jake Gyllenhaal, Bryan Cranston and Kate Winslet to whisper in your ear? Amazon's Audible is the world's largest seller of audiobooks. Does that make you think twice about canceling your Audible subscription? Even then, let's see how to cancel an Audible subscription in a few easy steps.

If you are an audiobook lover, then “Is Audible worth it?” It is a legitimate question. You may also have your own genuine reason for canceling your Audible account. Is it one of the below??

Reasons to cancel an audible subscription

Audible has many advantages for lovers of audiobooks. But there could be some personal negatives for you too. One of them may be your main reason..

  • Audible monthly subscription is too high for the one-time monthly credit.
  • You don't like Audible's recommendation system as it doesn't show you the titles you need.
  • The reason for using the app has changed:for example, you drove a lot before and now you don't.
  • You understand more when you read instead of listen..
  • There are cheaper alternatives to audible audiobooks Audiobooks are expensive! Here's how you can listen where cheap audiobooks are expensive! Here's how you can listen on cheap audiobooks are great, but can be really expensive. Here are some tips on how to get the best deal on your favorite audio books. Read more.

Your reason may not be listed above, but Audible makes it easy to cancel a subscription in just a few clicks.

How to cancel an audible subscription

Once you've decided on the reason, you can cancel your Audible subscription. We'll first go through the simple step-by-step process, and then we'll go over a few more guidelines to keep in mind.

  1. Log in to the Audible desktop site. You cannot cancel a subscription from the Audible phone or tablet app.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow next to your name and select account details .
    How to cancel Audible in 6 easy steps
  3. Click Cancel Membership at the bottom of the "View Membership Details" section.
    How to cancel Audible in 6 easy steps
  4. On the next screen, Audible asks for your comment on the reasons for the cancellation. Explain your reasons and click on the Cancel membership button.
    How to cancel Audible in 6 easy steps
  5. Depending on your location and the reasons for the cancellation, Amazon may offer you an alternative. For example, you could suggest a prepaid membership plan instead of a recurring plan. They may also offer you a "special" plan in an effort to induce you to stay on. Continue with the cancellation steps if you are not interested in the service.
    How to cancel Audible in 6 easy steps
  6. Sign back into Amazon Audible to confirm your cancellation. After you cancel, an automated email will be sent to you as proof of your cancellation.

Any problem? Go to the Customer Service page and contact technical support.

Before you cancel your audible subscription

Before you press the orange cancel button, please read these points. Amazon also highlights them on their Help page.

  • You can cancel the recurring monthly plan only. Prepaid plans cannot be canceled as they will only expire.
  • Cancel your membership from the desktop site. Audible does not allow you to cancel any plans from the mobile apps. But you can use the desktop versions in Chrome and Safari to access the site and go through the process.
  • Unused credits are also canceled with the subscription. Make sure you use them before you cancel. You cannot transfer them to anyone else..
  • Keep listening to your audiobook collection.. You keep the use of your old audiobook library and can download them again.
  • Cancel before the next billing cycle. Manage all your subscriptions online and cancel before the next payment cycle begins. Also, please cancel your subscription if you are in the trial period if you do not want to be billed when the trial ends.
  • You can still buy audible books. But you won't be able to take advantage of special Audible discounts, offers, and special features like an audiobook exchange or returns.

5 alternatives to canceling your audible account

One-month Audible trial period with the books of your choice. 10 Great Audiobooks You Should Listen To During Your Audible Test. 10 Great Audiobooks You Should Listen To During Your Audible Test. Sign up for a 30-day Audible trial and get two free audiobooks. Here are our 10 recommendations. Read More But let's say you've gotten involved and now you're not sure about your commitment to the service. One of the most common reasons is lack of time.

You can give it one more chance before going nuclear with a few suggested steps.

  1. Change to a lower priced plan. Tailor your subscription to your listening habits. Audible offers several membership plans and the option to switch plans at any time. Click on the Change membership button located under “Your Membership” section.
    How to cancel Audible in 6 easy steps
  2. Take a pause. Some markets (such as the U.S and U.K) will allow you to retain your membership. But only if you have a recurring monthly plan. Also, an account can be placed on hold only once every 12 months . This hold can be anywhere between one and three months. You will not be charged a membership fee, but you will not receive any new credits or free access to audio programs.
  3. Try it with a special offer.. As I explained before, Audible can sometimes offer you a special package when you go through the cancellation steps. It can be an incentive to build a habit of listening to audiobooks for another three months at a nice discount. After all, a good motivational audiobook. 10 self-improvement audiobooks to help change your life. 10 self-assessment audiobooks to help you change your life. Read More
  4. Use an audible promo code. Promotional codes can help you reduce membership fees and extend your association with the service. Find Amazon Promo Codes 5 Online Sources for Amazon Promo Codes and Coupons 5 Online Sources for Amazon Promo Codes and Coupons Finding Amazon Promo Codes and Coupons can save you a lot of money. Take a look at these five great sources and start saving now. Read more.
  5. Tune others in Family Library Sharing. You can set up an Amazon Household library and share your audiobooks.

Saying goodbye to audible

How to cancel Audible in 6 easy steps

Maybe it's time to cut the cord. Perhaps, you haven't had the good fortune to improvise a few hours for an audiobook. But sometimes the cancellation process itself is so daunting with that hard to find button. The good news is that Amazon makes it easy to let go. However, it makes one last attempt to hold on to you. And use a plain blue “text” button instead of a flaming red one!

If it's not the issue of membership cost with you, check out some of these Audible Insider Tips 9 Audible Insider Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Music 9 Audible Insider Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Music Audible is hard to beat. However, as good as Audible is, if you're not taking advantage of these tips and tricks, you may not be getting your money's worth... Read More They might help you maximize the credits you have before you jump.