YouTube's speedup feature is a great way to save time. Speed up is YouTube's best and most underrated feature. The most underrated and the best feature of YouTube. so fast. Read More Advanced YouTube users, however, may want more powerful ways to control their videos.
Well, that's possible with the Video Speed Controller Extension for Chrome. The extension works on all sites that offer HTML 5 video (which should be most sites) Why Flash Needs to Die (And How You Can Get Rid of It) Why Flash Needs to Die (And How You Can Get Rid of It) Internet The Relationship with Flash has been tricky for a while. Once, it was a universal standard on the web. Now, it looks like it might be heading to the block. What's changed? Read More Now), so it's a plus if I often see that too videos outside of YouTube.
By default, VSC allows you to press the S key Key to decrease video playback speed., re to increase it, R to reset speed to normal, Z to rewind the video by ten seconds, and X skip ahead ten seconds.
However, these controls are completely customizable. In the options, you can assign these shortcuts to different keys, have the extension remember the last used speed the next time you watch a video, or change the amount of time the fast forward and back keys are skipped.
Video Speed Controller is a must-have companion for those who frequently watch online videos, as it makes YouTube speed controls more accessible while allowing you to fine-tune them. Give it a try and you won't have to waste time waiting for videos where the instructor speaks slowly!
Do you want more experience on YouTube? Check out our complete guide to YouTube. The YouTube Guide:from production to production. The YouTube Guide:from production to production. Want to get the most out of YouTube? This Youtube guide is for you. This guide explains everything you need to know about YouTube, whether you're an enthusiast or a budding director. Read more for everything you want to know!
Do you find these shortcut keys useful or do you think YouTube's built-in controls are enough? Share your thoughts below!