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Is Nicolas Cage Immortal? Celebrity Lookalikes Too Good To Be True

Is Nicolas Cage immortal? Could Keanu Reeves be a vampire? Does Hillary Clinton have a clone?

Clearly, the answer to these questions is “No”, but they are so intriguing that we are compelled to take a closer look at them. Where did these claims come from? And how did they manage to spread so far across the Internet?

A Duplicate is NOT a Lookalike

Before proceeding, it is important to underline a key difference here. Although the people we are talking about are undoubtedly nothing more than look-alikes, they are not really professional-like. That is to say, they are not on the fringes of the entertainment industry desperately clinging to the coattails of the much more famous people they resemble in order to make some money (more on those chapters and chapters later).

What we're focusing on here is the weird world of historical duplicates, where the people we know and admire in the modern world seem to have lived before, at least if photographic evidence is anything to go by...

Nicolas Cage is not a vampire

Nicolas Cage's immortality is possibly a more interesting topic than his acting ability (although this doesn't stop the internet from loving him, he even goes so far as to create a Nicolas Cage theme). Star Wars VII movie trailer). And yet, we've all seen the slideshows and videos portraying the Air Conditioning star. , The Rock and Vampire Kiss like an undead blood drinker.

Naturally, he denies it. Well he would, he wouldn't?

Nicolas Cage, nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola, is not a vampire. Fortunately, however, he is not alone in his eternal life. Other Hollywood legends also take part, including Keanu Reeves, who has apparently also been Emperor Charlemagne, as well as French doctor and actor Paul Mounet.

The video below shows how this phenomenon goes beyond Hollywood, with Mark Zuckerberg lining up alongside Justin Timberlake, as well as Reeves and Cage (and many others).

How original is your face?

The proliferation of these images boils down to one thing:a limit on the distribution of facial features (unless you believe Nicolas Cage is immortal). For example, I have my own historical lookalike:

The guy with the glasses was said to be a time traveler, and maybe he is. However, chances are you have a different eye for fashion than the people around you. After all, I've never been to the 1940s and the guy in the photo seems to have the nose, jaw, ears, mole, and hair.

Meanwhile, this is clearly Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) from Game of Thrones (a TV show that has its own weird fan-created theories 10 Intriguing Game of Thrones Fan Theories 10 Fascinating Game of Thrones Theories Read More)...

Except, of course, the real Maisie Williams (who will appear in the upcoming long-running sci-fi adventure series Doctor Who ) says the opposite.

The originality of the face is a fallacy. We all have lookalikes, doppelgangers, and doppelgangers somewhere, and while legend has it you should never meet your lookalike, these 13 lookee-likes decided to get together and be photographed, by Francois Brunelle, a Montreal photographer interested in breaking pairs of doppelgangers. related. While it is believed that meeting his doppelganger can cause bad luck, Brunelle believes that the worst that can happen is a little bruising ..

Duplicate Beatles and other pop stars

Previously, we told you about the obsession of Paul is Dead. Paul is Dead:How the Internet Fueled the Beatles Conspiracy Theory. Paul is Dead:How the Internet Fueled the Beatles Conspiracy Theory. Paul McCartney, legendary musician and member of The Beatles, died in 1966. Only to be replaced by a lookalike? Probably not, but the "Paul is dead" conspiracy theory just refuses to die. Read More

One element of the conspiracy theory is that each of the Beatles (Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr) were professional looking to make public appearances (either that or they were cloned by British Intelligence, no, actually) when The real Beatles were tired / on tour / recording..

Over the years since the theory blew up on the internet, others resembling a position of impersonation have been identified, such as Boy George's “look-alike” Wayne Russell. There's also the um, shady (though unconfirmed) case of a Marshall Mathers-like model making public appearances as Eminem, apparently with the knowledge of the artist's record company.

The two hillaries

The world of celebrity look-alikes takes an even more unusual turn with pop stars enjoying their time off thanks to their lookalikes. After all, what do you do if you can't find a match? You give up.

Or maybe you just clone the person you're copying.

This is the world of political stuntmen, where even the most popular political figures are the subject of theories about their current status as a genuine human being or a subhuman clone.

Take presidential hopeful and Monsanto fan Hillary Clinton, whose height seemingly changes over several months, inspiring accusations of cloning rather than a detailed look at her footwear. Oh, and she's able to appear in multiple locations simultaneously, because, well, clones, duh!

(Actually, that last link will take your breath away. It will also highlight one of the cornerstones of the political conspiracy theory:that John F. Kennedy was a good guy and the last decent or honest American president.)

More political doubles

To be fair, the use of duplicates is nothing new in geopolitical matters. It is a recorded fact that Britain's wartime leader Winston Churchill had a look-alike that was used to distract the enemy. More recently, Iraq's deposed leader Saddam Hussein was said to have several duplicates (a claim so strong that there were those in Iraq who feared his return even after his death, so convinced that NATO forces had the wrong man). ).

Whimsical Obsessions

What creates these continuous stories of nonsense? It can only be the prevalent obsession we have with celebrity. Whether people are desperately trying to make a connection with the objects of their obsession, or to construct narratives to help them understand the world as they see it, the bottom line (as far as the Internet's echo chamber goes) it is usually extravagant.

Hollywood actors are, in all probability, not immortal. They're not time travelers either (and neither am I, sadly). Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, may have a clone, but we doubt her clone is any better at email than Hillary's uTorrent Mines Litecoin, Border Agents Demand Passwords [Tech News Digest] uTorrent Mines Litecoin, Border Agents Demand Passwords [ Tech News Digest ] uTorrent mines Bitcoin variant, edge password panic, Pandora day passes, get Syndicate for free, email is too complicated, and the world's longest selfie stick. Read more.

Have you seen a resemblance to a better celebrity online as a virus? Do you actively believe that Nic Cage is immortal? Or that Keanu Reeves is a vampire? If so, sit back for a bit before letting us know what you think in the comments section below.