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Watch 3D movies to boost your brain power

According to a recent study, you may be able to boost your brain power by doing something as simple as watching a 3D movie. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, is a more entertaining activity than 99.9 percent of all activities out there. Especially if snacks are involved.

To 3D or not to 3D

3D movies have been praised for their ingenuity, artistry, and innovation. However, this style of film has also received much criticism for being "gimmicky," and for making the audience feel (paradoxically) less immersed in the film they are watching.

There are valid arguments to be made on both sides of this debate, which has been ongoing since 1903, when the first 3D technologies appeared in theaters. However, if 3D movies can boost brain power as this study suggests, they may prove invaluable in rehabilitation situations, brain games. Is Lumosity a lie? The Neuroscience Behind Brain Training Games Is Lumosity a Lie? The Neuroscience Behind Brain Training Games Brain training games promise to improve your memory, prevent cognitive loss, and decrease your chances of showing dementia symptoms. Are your promises too good to be true? More information, teaching strategies and to prevent age-related deterioration in cognitive functions and the appearance of symptoms of dementia..

A renewed interest in 3D could serve as a needed boost for struggling movie theaters Cinema is Dying:How Cinemas Can Ensure Their Survival Cinema is Dying:How Cinemas Can Ensure Their Survival Cinemas need to offer more than just a way to watch the latest movies. They need to stop competing on "convenience" and start focusing on "experience." That is how. Read More And, bonus! This would be a great excuse to give when you're caught watching a movie when you're supposed to be studying for a test or preparing for a big work project.

How the study worked

The study, conducted by neuroscientist Patrick Fagan and Professor Brendan Walker (of Thrill Laboratory), had two purposes:to measure the differences in audience participation between 2D and 3D films, and to measure the differences in cognitive changes of the audience between 2D and 3D movies..

This study had two sample groups:one group watched a clip from the movie Big Hero 6 in 2D, while the other group watched the same clip (with the last battle seen in the movie) in 3D.

The researchers administered a wide variety of cognitive tests to all participants before and after viewing the video. Most of these tests were standardized ways of measuring cognitive functions such as memory, attention, processing speed, and grammatical reasoning. All participants also wore sensors that measured brain activity levels in 14 different areas of the brain while they watched the video.

The promising results of the study

Participants' performance on cognitive tests showed that both those who viewed the movie clip in 2D and those who viewed it in 3D had significant improvements in their cognitive functioning abilities.

However, while the 2D group's cognitive processing score improved by 11 percent, and their reaction time score by 2 percent, the 3D group's cognitive processing improved by 23 percent, and their reaction time reaction by 11 percent.

Not only that, but brain activity level results show that 3D viewers were 7.3% more emotionally engaged with the video clip than participants who viewed it in 2D.

The results show a clear cognitive benefit for those who viewed the clip in 3D, and these results are incredibly exciting for both the film industry and neuroscience research.

While these results were confirmed to last only 20 minutes after viewing, the clip itself only lasted a few minutes, so it's possible that a longer 3D exposure could lead to stronger (and longer-lasting) effects.

Let's not anticipate…

Watch 3D movies to boost your brain power

With all that said, it's important to take these findings with a proverbial pinch of salt for a couple of important reasons. And maybe you can't trade your textbook for a trip to the movies just yet.

One problem with this study is that some of the improvement in performance on cognitive tests can be explained by what is known as the "practice effect." While the cognitive tests are set up so that you can't memorize the answers for the next time you take the test, the participants primed their brains to complete these cognitive tasks (especially since the two rounds of testing were only for a short period of time). ).

Another problem with the study is that it was financed by a chain of theaters (Vue Cinemas), so there is a high potential for conflict of interest when it comes to the design and interpretation of the study.

Finally, there was no comparison of the results of movie viewers and other types of cognitive stimulation. It's great that 3D movies improve brainpower more than 2D, but how do they compare to video games, music, or even just going for a walk?

Are 3D movies here to stay?

Watch 3D movies to boost your brain power

Many people have written 3D movies as "fad" that won't have any staying power, but I think their continued popularity after more than 100 years suggests otherwise.

There have certainly been ups and downs in popularity over the last century - this amazing chart provides a great visual representation of 3D's popularity over time.

In the past, it has often been the expense and frustrations that come with new technologies that have caused 3D movies to fall out of favor with the general public, but the recent rise of advanced technology and creation techniques of movies may be giving 3D movies the greatest cultural impact yet.

For the first time ever, we can also access amateur 3D videos created on YouTube. How to find and watch 3D content from YouTube. How to find and watch 3D content from YouTube. Love it or hate it, 3D is here to stay. It's a natural progression from visual displays, and I'm a little bored to hear that it's a fad. So let's take this opportunity to see... Read More [MakeUseOf Explains] 3D TVs:What are they, how do they work, and what can they show in 3D? [MakeUseOf Explains] If you're in the market for a new TV, it's probably 3D, not because you particularly want one that can do 3D, but simply because 3D TVs tend to have better screens... Read More 3D movies are no longer limited to being shown in theaters, and this could be what keeps them popular for years to come.

Si las películas en 3D resisten una mayor investigación y demuestren impactos significativos en un número diverso de funciones cognitivas, su impacto podría extenderse aún más.

No es solo que ver una película en 3D aumente la productividad, el tiempo de reacción o la inteligencia, sino que las cualidades que hacen que las películas en 3D tengan este impacto en el cerebro podrían combinarse con las estrategias existentes de fortalecimiento cerebral para maximizar el potencial de ambas intervenciones simultáneamente..

Si los estudios futuros prueban que este estudio piloto es correcto, estos resultados pueden transformar el enfoque de la neurociencia para usar el video en muchas intervenciones cognitivas diferentes, cambiar nuestro enfoque de los materiales educativos y ayudar al rendimiento cognitivo de los cinéfilos en todo el mundo..

Películas en 3D en la vida cotidiana

Mientras esperamos que la ciencia llegue a un consenso, también podría ver algunas de las mejores películas en 3D. 7 Películas en 3D increíbles que realmente vale la pena ver en 3D. 7 Películas en 3D increíbles que realmente vale la pena ver en 3D. There are too many movies where 3D doesn't add anything. a la experiencia global. However, when done correctly, 3D has the potential to blow you away. The following movies are prime examples. Lea más que vale la pena ver en 3D (solo para fines científicos, por supuesto). También vale la pena señalar que si realmente desea un impulso cerebral garantizado, probablemente debería salir a caminar para ayudar a su salud cerebral. Utilice estas 5 aplicaciones para caminar más y mejorar la salud cerebral Utilice estas 5 aplicaciones para caminar más y mejorar la salud cerebral Somos todos Buscando desesperadamente formas de mejorar nuestra función cerebral, ¡pero podría ser tan simple como salir a caminar alrededor de la cuadra! Leer más también.

¿Cómo te sientes acerca de las películas en 3D?? ¿Son una moda pasajera, una forma de arte increíble o un lugar intermedio? Me encantaría escuchar sus pensamientos en la sección de comentarios a continuación!