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How to find the "Fortnite" Level Up Token in the Ruins

The pack, which launched on February 17, includes a series of level-up tokens that, when collected, will advance you one level (regardless of where you are in terms of XP for your current level).

These tokens are really beneficial for people who haven't had a chance to experience all that Season 1 has to offer, so if you bought the pack, you should take advantage of it.

At the end of the season, there are only a few higher level tokens left, one of which is hidden in the ruins, which can be difficult to locate. Ruins aren't marked on the Fortnite Chapter 3 map, so where are they? Here's a simple reference guide to get you started.

In "Fortnite", where are the ruins? They are not indicated on the map.

How to find the  Fortnite  Level Up Token in the Ruins

You probably haven't stumbled across the ruins yet if you haven't had a chance to roam every corner of the map revealed in Chapter 3. The Temple and Tumbledown Temple are two locations on the map that could easily be confused with the ruins. . The Temple is located northeast of the city.

How to find the  Fortnite  Level Up Token in the Ruins

The level up token you'll need can't be found in any of these places. The easiest way to locate the ruins is to go to the Daily Bugle and then head east. The Ruins are located at the tip of the peninsula before the islands to the east of the Sanctuary. Getting here should be pretty straightforward, as you can just land here for a turn and immediately complete whatever tasks you have left.

If you don't land here at the start of a match, it may be harder to get everything you need.

In 'Fortnite', where to find the level up tokens in the ruins

How to find the  Fortnite  Level Up Token in the Ruins

There will be various structures to pass through when approaching the ruins in order to find the level up token. Although you may be tempted to look for the main structure, we can assure you that it is not there.

How to find the  Fortnite  Level Up Token in the Ruins

Instead, look for a higher level token behind the main structure, which is perched on the edge of a cliff in fortnite. If you can, try to land here when you start a match. otherwise, you'll have to build structures to bridge the distance and scale the tower (which takes extra time and resources).

Once you've reached the top of the tower, you should be able to find the top level token easily.