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How to find the perfect movie to watch now

Hollywood produces so many movies that it is very difficult to keep up with all the new releases. And it's not just Hollywood - there's also all the old movies you've been missing, the British movies Old But Gold - stream classic Hammer movies in your browser [Things to watch] Old But Gold - stream classic Hammer movies in your browser [Stuff to Watch] Hammer Films is an iconic British production company that got its start in the mid-1930s and found huge success in the '50s, '60s and '70s thanks to a unique brand of horror that later became... Read more, Bollywood Bollywood Edition:Celebrating Holi festival of colors with free Indian music downloads [Sound Sunday] Bollywood Edition:Celebrating Holi festival of colors with free Indian music downloads [Sound Sunday] More movies, independent movies and foreign movies with subtitles The 3 best subtitle sites for your movies and TV series The 3 best subtitle sites for your movies and TV series Subtitles improve the experience viewing science, but where can you get quality subtitles for free? We recommend these subtitle sites. Read more . The list goes on and on. For a movie lover, it's pure bliss, but how can you decide what to watch next?

As usual, the Internet, and by extension MakeUseOf, is here to save the day, helping you save the debacle that Movie Night is threatening to become. Are they arguing about what the main movie should be? Do most say they'll only watch independent movies the day hell freezes over and pigs fly overhead? Then let us help you. Curtains please!


How to find the perfect movie to watch now

We first turn to the undisputed heavyweight champion of the movie world, The Internet Movie Database (IMDb). This is a real goldmine, with information like plot descriptions (which always helps), cast lists, movie soundtrack details, quotes, and trailers.

How to find the perfect movie to watch now

IMDb also has a “What to Watch” section that contains movie reviews of one kind, with different hosts interviewing actors and directors. Some of this media content may be restricted based on your geographic location, but when using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Best VPN Services Best VPN Services We've compiled a list of what we consider to be the best Virtual Private Network (VPN). ) service providers, grouped by premium, free, and torrent-friendly. Read More

IMDb relies heavily on user reviews to help you decide if a movie is good or bad. Anyone involved in a movie or TV show, regardless of what role she played, can request an IMDb page to showcase her work..

Rotten tomatoes

How to find the perfect movie to watch now

Rotten Tomatoes brings us the Tomatometer, an indicator of what professional critics think. The score awarded by the Tomatometer is calculated based on the number of professional reviews, both positive and negative. Anything above 60% is supposed to be good. Anything below 60% is bad. User reviews are also taken into account separately, but not as much as on IMDb.

But why the tomatoes? Depending on the site:

Now, it's the online version of a tomato that you can use to express your opinion of a movie. It's just a shame that it's clearly not as satisfying as launching the real thing.


How to find the perfect movie to watch now

Leanflix is ​​a site where you can filter potential movies to watch by specific requirements. As you move the set of sliders, the right side of the screen automatically updates with suggestions on what to watch.

These filters are 1) the genre of the movie (thriller, mystery, etc), 2) the year the movie came out (well, if you like really old movies or just new blockbusters), 3) the Leanflix score, 4) Rotten Tomatoes critics score, 5) Rotten Tomatoes audience score, 6) IMDB rating, and 7) MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) age rating . Using all these filters, you should definitely be able to find a movie worth watching.


How to find the perfect movie to watch now

Jinni's magic box of movie wonders is called "Entertainment Genome," which offers search, recommendations, and something called his "Entertainment Personality." The Entertainment Genome catalogs films based on various areas; experience (the mood and tone of the content), plot elements, structures, flags (violence, nudity), and more.

Movies are first tagged by real people, before advanced algorithms take over and tag each movie based on elements such as critical reviews, user reviews, and metadata.

Jinni makes recommendations by comparing his Entertainment Personality and all the titles in the catalog, calculating his various preferences and filters.


How to find the perfect movie to watch now

Movli operates on the same principle as Leanflix. She applies the sliders on the left to whatever levels she wants, and as she does so, movie suggestions appear on the right. However, unlike Leanflix, he can also search in different categories if the actual titles don't float his boat.

For example, you can look under “Stars”, and filter the actors, actresses, directors, producers, and writers by their ages, and strangely enough, their star signs . Yes, it's true, now you can find your ideal Aries, 30-something..

How to find the perfect movie to watch now

Also, interestingly enough, you can search for site users by gender, location, and age. Or Movli is running an online dating service Online Dating:Men Don't Get It and Women Don't Get It Online Dating:Men Don't Get It and Women Don't Get It Do Online Dating Websites Work? It's time for a frank discussion! What I learned from the interviews was that online dating is equally painful for men and women, but for very different reasons. Read More If you want to find me, I'm a 25 year old male and my star sign is Pyrex... I'm a test tube baby. Badum-tish!

Taste Kid

How to find the perfect movie to watch now

TasteKid has a pretty basic premise. First type the name of a movie that you have seen and liked before, in the “Recommend” box. That gives you a bunch of tabs containing movie titles the site thinks you'll like, based on the movie title you originally entered.

Clicking on a title will expand the box, displaying a brief synopsis, the trailer (if available), and a link to its Wikipedia page. You'll also see the movie rated by users into “Like,” “Dislike,” “Save,” and “Meh” categories.

There is nothing more to say about this, except that TasteKid also applies this process to areas other than movies. So this is a site you should definitely try the next time you're stuck deciding what to watch on Netflix.

Sugerirme película

How to find the perfect movie to watch now

Suggest Me Movie ofrece sugerencias sobre la próxima película que debe ver con un conjunto de filtros simples en el lado derecho de la página. Estos filtros incluyen el año, el género, la puntuación de IMDb, el número de votos y las palabras clave (por ejemplo, el nombre de un actor).

Por extraño que parezca, no puede especificar una puntuación de IMDb inferior al 6/10, lo que descarta todas las películas de Arnold Schwarzenegger. Shame. Obviamente estoy bromeando con el roble austriaco. Me encanta la Terminador films. Es solo Gemelos y ese extraño en el que él da a luz que yo personalmente no puedo soportar.

Cuando haces clic en “Sugerir película”, A continuación, recibirá una sugerencia, junto con el avance de la película y una sinopsis. Actualizar la página le da otra sugerencia (recuerda sus filtros hasta que los borre). Probando mysefl, recibí algunas sugerencias bastante buenas para aumentar aún más mi Netflix completo La guía definitiva de Netflix:todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre Netflix La última guía de Netflix:todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre Netflix Esta guía ofrece todo lo que necesita para saber sobre el uso de Netflix. Whether you're a new subscriber or an established fan of the best streaming service on the market. Leer más cola.

¿Cómo eliges qué película ver??

Hay muchos más sitios web en línea que se pueden usar para encontrar la película perfecta para ver en este momento, pero estos son los que sugerimos que consulten primero. Obviamente usted puede estar en desacuerdo con nuestras elecciones, que es para lo que está la sección de comentarios.

Díganos a continuación qué sitios de sugerencias de películas utiliza regularmente, y por qué son mejores que los que hemos elegido cuidadosamente para usted, ¡usted es una persona ingrata! Alternativamente, cuéntanos cómo estos sitios te ayudaron a elegir la película perfecta para ver ahora..