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Do you think your music is high quality and want to get more plays on Spotify?

If so, then you are at right place. Here are some tips and tricks you need to consider to create a successful Spotify marketing strategy:

  1. Spending time on the platform

It is essential to understand the dynamics of this digital music streaming service. You cannot offer quality as a supplier unless you first use a product as a customer. So, create a Spotify account and try to find as many as possible on this platform.

  1. Make your account attractive

Once you've created an artist page for yourself, think carefully about your name, profile picture, and biography because when people come to your page, those are the first things they see. . You need to use them to make a good impression and get them interested in you as a musician. Make the most of your bio section and tell your followers what to expect from you .

  1. Social Media

To promote your music, you can use several social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Use your personal accounts to advertise your songs and ask your friends and followers to check them out. On your personal accounts, you have at least links with your family members and friends. If most of them are following you on Spotify and listening to your music, that's a good place to start.

  1. Focus on subscribers

Someone who listened to one of your songs when you first started out is more likely to forget about you once the song is over than stick around. That's why you shouldn't worry about how many listeners your song has in the beginning.

Listeners and subscribers are not the same.

Subscribers see your new content every time you post something, so expect them to listen to your songs more regularly. This is why you should focus more on getting a set number of subscribers rather than listeners as they are more useful in the long run.

  1. Analyze data

On Spotify, you can compare your data to that of other artists and use it to your advantage. Once you see someone has more subscribers or games, check out their page. See what they do differently and what appeals to their audience.

  1. Be patient

There are over 25 million artists on Spotify, so it's no surprise that standing out is quite a challenge on this platform. Sometimes people who come across your page may not follow you because you don't have a lot of followers and therefore don't have any social credibility. To avoid this problem, beginner artists buy Spotify subscribers so that they look more popular and the chance of growing their fans increases.

  1. Speak to your audience

Even if you don't have ten thousand followers YET, good communication with your audience is key to boosting your engagement. Your followers shouldn't feel ignored because if they do, they may end up unfollowing you.

Don't ignore your audience.

You can interact with your followers by replying to

their comments and express their gratitude for listening to your songs. In

In addition to this, you can use other platforms and tools such as Instagram live

stream to chat with them in real time and answer any questions they have about your music.

  1. Be consistent Finally, even if you manage to connect with your followers and grow your following, they won't stick with you unless you provide new content frequently. Consistency is quite difficult to achieve, especially when you want to deliver high quality songs and need time to work on them. So make a schedule and plan how much time you are going to spend creating and editing a song and stick to that schedule. Creating new content on a consistent basis is much easier when you spend planned time working on it.

These tips will help you gain popularity and social credibility on Spotify and make the most of your love of music.