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Forgotify helps you discover unwanted music on Spotify

While some people go out of their way to discover new music, Give Your Ears a Treat:5 Alternative Ways to Discover New Music Online Give Your Ears a Treat:5 Alternative Ways to Discover New Music Online As we mature ( or to put it more clearly, age) our tastes change in many things. The movies we loved as teenagers will no longer appeal, the food that wrinkled us... Read More . Which is crazy when you consider that Spotify has 20 million songs that are sitting around waiting to be found and loved. Which is where I forgot enters the equation.

No love and no play

Forgotify helps you discover unwanted music on Spotify

Forgotify is a web app dedicated to delivering the unloved and undiscovered tracks that no one has ever played on Spotify. There are, or at least before people started using Forgotify, 4 million songs that have never been played, not even once. That's the 20 percent of Spotify's entire catalog that has amassed zero plays. Which is pretty depressing when you think about it. Especially for interested artists..

Forgotify has rounded up these never-before-heard songs on Spotify, offering them one at a time to those who are interested in more than just Justin Biebers. Why the internet hates Justin Bieber [Weird &Wonderful Web] Why the internet hates Justin Bieber [Weird &Wonderful Web] Justin Bieber is a phenomenon. He has millions of fans clinging to his every word and action. Yet this '90s kid is hated in no uncertain terms on the internet. But why? Read More and Miley Cyruses Mocking Miley:The Best Wrecking Ball Skits [Weird &Wonderful Web] Mocking Miley:The Best Wrecking Ball Skits [Weird &Wonderful Web] The Web is a place full of content that's all too easy to miss. This column has a simple goal:to collect the best weird and wonderful content to appear on the web. Read more of the world. If it has never been played once, it means the tracks are usually obscure and/or sung in a language other than English.

Simple but effective

Forgotify helps you discover unwanted music on Spotify

There really isn't much to forget, but that's an absolute credit. Assuming you're signed into Spotify, simply visit and click the 'Start Listening' button. A song will emerge from the bleak background of the site, a song that no one else has bothered to play on Spotify.

After the tingling sensation in your spine caused by the realization that you are about to take your auditory senses into the unknown, click "Play" to break the digital tension and enjoy what follows. Or not. Because there's often a reason these songs haven't been heard until you came along and broke the spell. In other words, many of them are terrible.

Whether you've been gifted a treasure or a gem, the track plays in both the Forgotify player and any other Spotify client you have open. This can lead to confusion when the Forgotten track ends and another track plays immediately after. This isn't Forgotify's fault, it's just the way Spotify works. A First Look at Spotify's Web Player A First Look at Spotify's Web Player Spotify has changed the way many of us consume music, myself included. I used to buy albums on a regular basis, but once the time came when I removed the CD from my computer's hard drive... Read More

Discovering hidden gems

Forgotify helps you discover unwanted music on Spotify

The song highlighted in the screenshot above is not a hidden gem. It is, instead, an unlistenable mess of a song sung in a language I couldn't understand; even Google Translate had problems with it. However, not all songs hidden within the bowels of Spotify, just waiting to be discovered, are bad. Some are pretty good.

This is where Forgotify really comes into its own, helping you discover new songs. 6 Great Ways To Discover Great Music You've Never Heard Before 6 Great Ways To Discover Great Music You've Never Heard Before. If you are a music lover, familiar with the constant need to discover new music. You already know a lot of good music that you like, but the thirst for more is unstoppable. There's a lot of good... Read More If you're lucky enough to come across a hidden gem, you can simply 'Star' it for future reference, add it to a playlist to keep for future reference, or share it via social media so others can revel in the musical goodness you've found. .

Mixed emotions

Forgotify helps you discover unwanted music on Spotify

Using Forgotify in its current form brings a strange mix of emotions. Hearing a track that no one else has heard before on Spotify is pretty exciting, and not knowing what obscure composition you're going to get next makes this the best 'Shuffle' button ever created. And yet there's also a bit of sadness and regret, because once you play a particular track, it's gone from Forgotify forever, its one output being enough to lift it off the bottom of the stack.

Forgetting is therefore a short-lived experience, which should, if the developers play by their own rules, run out of songs to play at some point in the near future. And his life will only be shortened further by articles like this one extolling the virtues of Forgotify and imploring all of you to use it before it goes down in history. Fortunately, there is a solution...

The future of Forgotify

All the Forgotify developers need to do to keep this group going is shift their mission slightly from playing tracks with zero listens to tracks with the fewest listens.

The tracks with the lowest number of listens could be delivered in order of unpopularity, or any track with a number of plays less than a specific number could be included in the mix and delivered randomly. Either way, it means Forgotify has a future.

However, in case this advice is not heeded, you should take the opportunity to test the service before it disappears. If you give Forgotify a spin, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.