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Not just entertainment:5 benefits of going to the cinema and watching movies

When you think of cinema and films in general, the first idea that comes to mind is entertainment.

Paying for a show in front of the big screen or sitting on the sofa to watch a movie on television or on an internet platform are actions that seem naturally associated with fun and popcorn.

What we don't often think or notice is that watching movies has a series of benefits that we know with the help of the internet. trivial questions and answers. Different advantages are given below

  1. Relax and reduce stress:

The first benefit is the most obvious, and the one that is most linked to the entertainment put forward at the start:the cinema relaxes and reduces anxiety and stress. When we watch a movie, we “forget” the rest of the world for a moment to focus only on what is happening on the screen. Unlike reading, which is a more active process, enjoying cinema is a passive activity:it is much easier to relax, to disconnect, to take a mental break. And reducing stress, of course, also has multiple positive effects on mental and physical health.

  1. Send positive messages to children:

Children's films often fill the role of old fables, those that had – as the dictionary explains – a “didactic or critical intent frequently manifesting itself in a final moral”. In films, in general, morality does not appear explicitly, but positive values ​​such as generosity, respect, camaraderie and friendship are transmitted in a clear and forceful way, which represents an authentic teaching for the most small.

  1. Burns calories and improves nervous system response:

This is one of the most surprising benefits:horror movies help burn calories and therefore contribute to physical health. This was confirmed by a study published in 2012 by experts from the University of Westminster, UK. The researchers came to this conclusion after analyzing the heart rate and levels of oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide expelled by a group of volunteers while watching horror movies.

  1. Provides general knowledge:

Watching movies allows audiences to deepen what is often called “general knowledge” in two different and complementary ways. On the one hand, those that take place in distant times or places help to know historical episodes and how people lived or live in civilizations very different from ours. It is true that (except for documentaries) cinema is fiction and one should always be wary of the representations one sees on screen, but the general idea that they convey at least tends to come close to reality.

On the other hand, many films are themselves part of the cultural heritage of a society or an era, and are the subject after multiple references in other films, in literature, in television and in other disciplines. Not having seen classics like Star Wars or Terminator doesn't stop you from enjoying products that allude to them countless times (like The Simpsons), but you appreciate them much more when you know the original model.

  1. This is a way to practice other languages:

The arrival of DVD and streaming platforms has meant the ability to access movies in their original language. It's a great way to learn about other languages, and they're especially useful for people who study them. Of course, English is the language that offers the most products, not only in terms of films but also – even more noticeably – in the universe of series, but cinema is also a way of getting closer to other languages. , European like the others. of the world.