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October 13, National Egg Day

October 13, National Egg Day

Delicious in an omelet, tasty soft-boiled or even delicate when poached:the egg lends itself to all kinds of gourmet recipes. Let's take advantage of World Egg Day this October 13 to discover the benefits of this flagship dish of our diet.

The egg, a health and beauty ally

In addition to being economical (count around 2.65 euros[i] for a box of 12), the egg is also a real health asset:it is a food with many benefits. Egg white is a source of animal protein (about 7g for a 60g egg). Egg yolk is an excellent antioxidant. The egg is also known to help prevent cardiovascular disease. It is also a source of vitamins A, D and E.

In terms of beauty, the egg is a major ally. Egg yolk shampoo is known for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. It makes hair shine and cleanses it. Egg white is used for the beauty of the skin, especially for its antioxidant properties. It tightens pores, unclogs blackheads and evens out the complexion.

Did you know ? [iii]

The egg in a few figures is:

  • 1 trillion eggs produced worldwide each year.
  • 97% of French people eat eggs.
  • 84% of French people eat eggs at least once a week.
  • 15,000 direct and indirect jobs.
  • 34.3% of hens benefit from farming that is more respectful of their well-being in France:free-range 18%, Label Rouge 5%, or organic 18%.

Want to know more about the egg? The CNPO (National Committee for the Promotion of Eggs) provides you with very informative booklets.

How to cook the egg like a pro?

Choosing your eggs

You have probably already noticed that the shell of the eggs is marked with a number. What does this marking mean?

  • Code 0:it is an organic egg produced by hens raised in the open air and in organic farming.
  • Code 1:This is an egg produced by a free-range hen.
  • Code 2:This is an egg produced by a hen raised in a shed.
  • Code 3:this is an egg produced by a hen raised in a cage and in a shed.

Finding the right cooking and the best recipe

Casserole, boiled, fried, scrambled, omelette, poached, soft-boiled... There are many ways to cook and taste eggs. Adapt it according to your tastes and desires! Are you out of inspiration? Don't panic, the Incredible Egg site offers you a multitude of recipes, from the most classic to the most creative.

Do you have to wait 3 or 4 minutes for a boiled egg? Not sure about the different egg cooking times? We found a very useful app to help you in the kitchen. Minute-coco manages the timer for you. You just have to indicate which cooking you want and the size of the egg.

3, 2, 1… Get cooking!

To put the spotlight on the egg this October 13, here are two easy and quick recipes to make.

Egg casserole your way :Preheat the oven to 180°C. Butter a ramekin and add one or two eggs (depending on the size of the ramekin). Put the ingredients you want to enhance your recipe (ham, mushroom, cheese, dried tomato, foie gras, salmon, spinach, etc.). Cover the preparation with fresh cream, salt and pepper. Bake and cook for about 10 minutes. All you have to do is prepare the mouillettes and enjoy your cocotte egg!

Cloud Egg :Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Cut the mozzarella and chop the chives. Beat the egg whites and add the pieces of mozzarella very slowly. Also add the chives. Make small heaps on a baking sheet by making a hole, like a little nest, to place the egg yolk in. Bake to brown the white for 5 to 8 minutes. Add the yolk and cook for another 3 minutes. Happy Tasting!

Health benefit, beauty ally, economical and delicious food and many possibilities in the kitchen... What more could you ask for? The egg definitely has everything to seduce! Want to access dietary advice? Take advantage of coaching fitness and nutrition and benefit from personalized support.

[i] 20box%20of%2012%20eggs,price%20observed%20in%20average%20in%20France%20of%200%25.

[ii] Source CNPO – National Egg Promotion Committee