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Cinema:these 7 traumatic scenes from our childhood films

After growing up, some love to rewatch the films of their youth, but what a shock do they not have when they realize that iconic scenes are simply traumatic. Children's films you said?

Childhood is a dream time. Between unconsciousness, snacks, sport, summer camps and animated films… Life was simpler. It is undoubtedly to rediscover these lost feelings that some people do not hesitate to remake films of their youth, to see if the magic still operates. However, the brain also remembers, very well, the traumatic scenes of the works that we watched as children. A little throwback to these defining moments.

Mulan - 1998

If the Mulan of 2020 had largely disappointed, that of 1998 will go down as one of Disney's greatest successes. Dynamic, with striking songs, a charismatic villain and an already avant-garde feminist morality for the time. However, certain passages of the adventures of the young warrior have, with hindsight, shocked.

Do you not remember the passage where Shan-Yu, the leader of the Huns who came to wage war in China, captures two scouts. After a monologue on his strength, he releases the two prisoners to go and see the Emperor to inform him of his arrival. Smiling, he posts the question to one of his subordinates:"How many men does it take to deliver a message? ". His minion then replies "One " before shooting an arrow. The cynical and cold staging of an assassination under the eyes of a 7-8 year old child... Marking. Thank you Richard Darbois!

Roger Rabbit - 1988

Ten years earlier, the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit was released on the big screen. . Brilliant work because it brilliantly mixes animation and classic film, a scene will mark the children and make them have nightmares. The fate of the poor shoe voluntarily drowned in the Dip by Judge Demort , will make some tears flow.

    Bambi - 1942

    Disney cult movie, Bambi will celebrate its 80th birthday this year. It remains one of the most iconic animated films there is. Yet, as touching as it can be, who can stand up and say "No, I wasn't traumatized by the death of Bambi's mother " and pretend not to have in mind yet the anthological gunshot?

    The Neverending Story - 1984

    Your eyes become watery, you remember that memory you had buried deep inside you, whispering to yourself "Why him... ". And yes, why Artax? Why this damn slime? The death of the horse in the Neverending Story is significant for two reasons. It is an animal and in essence an animal that dies, it is necessarily sad. And secondly, it's the duration of the scene, Atreyu's cries of despair and the famous "Artax... I love you ". It was tough in 1984, and it still is in 2022.

    Toy Story - 1995

    You've never looked at your toys the same way again after this movie. Cult, beautiful, funny... Toy Story will also be a traumatic work for others. Already, because you suspected right after your Action Man placed on the chest of drawers to behave suspiciously at night, and two:Sid . What was wrong with this kid? Why was he torturing the toys by hanging them from rockets? The scene in his room, which resembles a visit to the gallery of horrors, marked an entire generation.

    Saturnin against Weasel - 1967

    We are talking here about a work that brought glory to French cinema all over the world. It is obviously false. This umpteenth adaptation of the adventures of the most famous duck has traumatized an entire generation. The scene of the snake trying to eat the duck in Saturnin against Weasel was already terrifying for thousands of children, so if you mix in some creepy dialogue from the actors...

      The Lion King - 1994

      In 1994, Disney released what would quickly become its biggest hit. The Lion King tells us the adventures of young Simba who will understand in a brutal way what the death of a loved one can cause. The ultimate betrayal scene, between Scar and Mufasa , will traumatize millions of children. This ordeal will be all the more painful some time after the death of the king, when Simba will come to exchange a few words that still resonate with the corpse of his father.

      Many of these scenes have caused us tears and nights of anguish. We could quote the passages in Alice in Wonderland from 1999's Taram and the Magic Cauldron with its lack of song and the film's overall darkness, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with the terrible escape in the forest or the death of Clayton by hanging in Tarzan