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These toys from our childhood that marked us for life

You will relive your childhood remembering these thirteen toys with which all the boys and girls born in the 1990s had fun.

Pogs, Playmobil or other Lego were not the only amusements for children born in the 1990s and early 2000s , quite the contrary. While at the time cell phones, tablets and computers (and even televisions did not offer as many programs as now) were not democratized, little boys were not bored.

Playing cards

If the revival of Pokémon cards thanks to Youtuber/wrestler Logan Paul totally disrupted market prices, it will have allowed hundreds of thousands of people to realize how much collectible cards were present in our childhood. There was something for everyone. Those who loved dueling turned more to Magic ones or Yu-Gi-Oh! The oldest will have known the mythical cards Dragon Ball Z and the most collectors loved to exchange their cardboard rectangles of the famous Poket Monsters.

    Today, Pokémon cards follow the curve of video games and still sell like hot cakes to young players and collectors, like the Trading Card Box Arceus , which is sort of the equivalent of Mewtwo among the most recent Pokémon.

    These toys from our childhood that marked us for life

    The famous Jojo's

    In the playground, he exchanged small monsters of all colors. What we likened to ossicles was called Jojo's . These objects, of different sizes, shapes and values, were won and collected. We could either exchange them or win them via two little games very well known in primary school:the duel or the "closer-to-the-wall ". The first was to overthrow the Jojo's placed on the ground with another Jojo's and the second required you to throw your game the most against a wall. Whoever was the most stuck to the building won the Jojo's of the other.

    Beyblade tops

    Another essential of the early 2000s, the Beyblade tops and their incomprehensible mechanics for 9-year-old children. In a duel, the spinning top that spins the longest wins the match. They even had to "confront" by crashing into each other, creating a general euphoria in the playground.

    Many years have passed and the manufacturer still offers young children the opportunity to compete in arenas designed for epic battles between stylish tops.

    These toys from our childhood that marked us for life

    Action Man and Power Ranger figures

    They are little plastic men who have made many young children happy. Action Man or the greatest of all heroes, were a more sophisticated evolution of our parents' and grandparents' toy soldiers. In a slightly more cartoonish register, the Power Rangers figurines with their changeable heads also offered good quarters of an hour of action.

    Mythical board games

    In addition to the famous Monopoly which has had countless collaborations (Game of Thrones, Pokémon, Friends), some board games are specific to our childhood. Who is it, Connect 4, Crog Dog, Pic Pirate or SOS Ouistiti ... Only names that will put a smile on your face instantly.

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    Their extreme simplicity has obviously contributed to their popularity, and we never tire of tweaking our brains to achieve a 4 in a row...

    These toys from our childhood that marked us for life

    Foam ball

    If you have never managed to become a professional footballer, it is for one reason only:the rupture of the cruciate ligaments which prevented you from joining the training center of Olympique Lyonnais . However, you had the best preparation with this famous foam ball . The matches between CM1 and CM2 then turned into the Champions League final!

    And then there were also figurines, electronic toys that were beginning to find a place in homes or even board games that brought friends and families together. Who is nostalgic for that time? We, in any case, we are!