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These things we all ate when we were little and that we totally forgot

Small, we ate everything and almost anything. But some dishes from our youth have marked us so much that we would love to see them brought up to date.

These things we all ate when we were little and that we totally forgot

At the time of the primary, there were three unmissable appointments. The first was that of the morning recess where everyone showed each other their new Pokémon cards. The second, was held at noon, just before going to lunch, the traditional football match faced the best of the court. The last, the most emblematic, at 4:30 p.m.:snack time . And your palate remembers this unique sweet break all too well.


For tea, everyone had their preferences but the most noticed landed with bags of Dinosaurus . These small biscuits in the shape of dinosaurs, surfing without saying it on the wave of Jurassic Park III, at the beginning of the years 1990-2000. Tyrannosaurs, stegosaurus, triceratops… Giants that fit in the palm of a hand and that we loved.

Mix Max

The famous Mix Max de Balconi, replicated by Leader Price, are also emblematic of this era. Even though they still exist, they no longer have the flavor of before. This chocolate coating and this brioche crumb... We still dream about it.

The Danette Crousti

We are talking here about one of the nuggets of childhood. And real nuggets! These small black, brown and white balls, which were knocked over in a classic Danette ... This moment was solemn because it was not necessary to go too fast not to spill some in the chocolate yogurt.

Little Louis

We're getting into the cheese part, do you remember the P'tit Louis And the emblematic face of this little boy in the jersey with green stripes with his cap? Yes of course. He too was a star of the primary with his unique opening.

The Pik and Croq

The Laughing Cow is a timeless phenomenon of our childhood. But we are not talking here about the famous cheese triangles, but about one of the stars of the playground:the Pik and Croq . These little dry sticks that we dipped in the cheese compartment. Well, most of them were broken as soon as the bag was opened...


    Kids loved ghosts thanks to Casper. It is therefore normal to see these ectoplasmic beings in their tastes. The 2000s saw the arrival of the famous Kidiboos , these sticks found in the fresh cheese department.

    The Little Tricksters Tub's

    We are not just talking about a snack here, it is also one of the most memorable advertisements of our childhood. The Little Filou Tub's , these long hits of fresh cheese with a fruity taste have also marked us with their appearances on television where they thought they were soldiers with a song that nearly 15 years later still remains in mind. And above all.... CALCIUUUUM! VITAMIN D!