If your complexion has an annoying tendency to turn red when you consume alcohol, be on your guard. You could be suffering from high blood pressure, a condition that doesn't really mix well with alcoholic beverages.
In a study conducted in South Korea with 1,763 men and relayed by the Daily Mail a few years ago, researchers discovered a rather worrying link between alcohol and high blood pressure problems .
The latter have in fact noticed that people whose face tended to turn red when they consumed alcohol had a clearer propensity to have hypertension.
A chronic disease which, if not followed properly, can be responsible for heart attacks or strokes. It results from the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries which is stronger than normal. High blood pressure affects approximately 20% of the world's population and 40% of people over the age of 65.
The reason people with high blood pressure should watch their alcohol intake is because a toxin called acetaldehyde is found in alcohol.
Treated and dissected by the liver, it is unfortunately assimilated much less quickly by the body of hypertensive people. Scientists who have discovered that people with high blood pressure are more likely to have problems after drinking four alcoholic drinks a week.
More than for anyone else, they must keep in mind that alcohol abuse is hazardous to health.
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