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Top 15 famous series that should have had another name

Who has never dreamed of renaming their favorite series? However, it is far from being an easy job! As proof, the original names of your favorite series were often very surprising and... much less good. Like what, a good series name can change everything!

Top 15 famous series that should have had another name

Would Buffy the Vampire Slayer have had the same success if it had kept its original title? As you will discover in the gallery below , some of the original titles were very, very poorly chosen. From there to say that all the success of a series depends on its title... There is only one step that we will not cross!

It's hard to know why the creators and producers of these series changed their minds at the last minute! But we're willing to bet with you that Mr Haricot - alias Mr Bean- would probably not have had the same success in France if he had kept his original Mr Cauliflower. Some original titles also give another meaning to the series as we know it today and we can see the evolution between the original name and what it really became afterwards.