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TPMP:5 things and secrets to know about Cyril Hanouna's show

Do you know how much a TPMP columnist earns? Did you know that TPMP also exists abroad? Here are 5 things to know about Touche Pas à Mon Poste.

1. TPMP was launched on April 1

I promise it's not a joke.

And basically, it shouldn't stay at all. Cyril Hanouna still owed a few hours to France TV his employer. He proposes a concept of broadcast on the media (because yes at the base it was that TPMP). 1st April 1, 2010, broadcast at 10:40 p.m. weekly. The rest... you know it...

2. How much does a TPMP columnist earn?

It was Cyril Hanouna who balanced the figures himself. It varies between 150 and 1500 euros per show. Why such a gap? It depends on the seniority and popularity of the columnist. For example, Gilles Verdez receives 600 euros when Jean-Michel Maire charges 1000 euros.

According to The Chained Duck , Cyril would pay him 40,000 euros per month.

3. TPMP exists in many other countries

“TV is only TV” , The famous catchline that closes each show has a lot more meaning than it seems. Translated into English as “It’s Only TV”, it became the name of the program internationally. Because yes TPMP has been adapted. Algeria, Canada, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia. And it looks really really great...

4. Cyril Hanouna is very superstitious.

Especially when it comes to audiences. So he confessed to always wearing the same underwear on the day of the hearings when the show was still weekly. “Purple boxer shorts my mother gave me”

5. Who is the oldest columnist?

The real ones will have found it right away. Jean-Michel Maire. Present since the very first, it has always (or almost) been there. Conversely, there is a columnist who only lasted one show in September 2016:Camille Lellouche.