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Contagion:this 2011 film that can make you panic in 2022

If you care about your sanity, we advise you to avoid this film currently available on Prime Video.

Some works take on a very different meaning over time. If some science fiction films from the 1950s and 1960s seem very old-fashioned to us today, an apocalyptic feature film, released in theaters not so long ago, seems almost prophetic … So much, that it seems almost doubtful!

“This thing is always one step ahead of us… it mutates!”

Let's not drag out the suspense any longer. The film in question responds to the sweet name of Contagion . Released in 2011, it was directed by Steven Soderbergh (Ocean's Eleven, Logan Lucky ) and gives the answer to many famous actors such as Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne and Marion Cotillard (before his famous scene in The Dark Knight:Rises ).

As the name suggests, Contagion is an apocalyptic film, in which… a viruses out of control is wreaking havoc around the world! While the general public gives in to panic, several scientists are trying to trace its origin , and, at the same time, several pharmaceutical companies are trying to design a vaccine to defeat this virus, which is evolving rapidly. “This thing is always one step ahead of us… it mutates! ”, says one of the characters in the trailer.

A film ahead of its time?

Between collective hysteria, irrational fear and false information, Contagion inevitably evokes our current health crisis . Released a little over 10 years ago, it was considered yet another apocalyptic film, surfing a little on the "zombie fever" of the time and on the panic linked to the avian flu epidemic , which was then not so far away.

Today, it is almost like a documentary , as long as certain scenario elements are realistic . One thing is in any case certain:if you are looking to escape from your current worries and not think about Covid-19, avoid watching this film , currently available on Prime Video.

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