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Les Inconnus announce their return to the stage

The famous comedy trio of the 90s have planned a return with fanfare and together! An announcement that is already making nostalgics salivate and that should surprise the youngest.

Will we ever see the Unknowns together again? The trio formed by Didier Bourdon, Bernard Campan and Pascal Légitimus made the whole of France laugh in the 90s. Stars among stars the Inconnus had a popularity beyond belief.

But for many years, they have chosen to go their separate ways, while nevertheless remaining very close and very friendly. Diverse fortunes but always with one idea in mind:to come back and reform. And this wish will come true.

A TV show to start with

In an interview with RTL , Didier Bourdon confirmed that a return was planned. First there will be a TV show made up of archives , a bit like La télé des Inconnus , and reunion fashion like Harry Potter or Friends.

A film is also in preparation, but it will not be directed by them, as for The 3 Brothers or The Bet for example.

Finally, and perhaps most exhilarating, an on-stage comeback is in the pipeline. "We want to do something, then if there is the timing" , tempers Bourdon. We each have our proposals alone. But now is the time to do it, especially on stage. It's true that it's scary, but it's in the air, that's for sure" . As a reminder, Les Inconnus have not been on the boards together since 1993.

A highly anticipated return

But a question arises:what would the return of the Inconnus look like?

"I think we could take the old sketches and revisit them, then around the table we would find other ideas" , promises Didier Bourdon before specifying:"We are no longer 30 years old, we are not going to do the things where we did not stop, it was very physical. We can do things with screens, with a scenography, something original. See you at the end of the month, on my birthday, the 22nd (January).

We can't wait to find out what's next. In the meantime, we'll settle for replays on YouTube.