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Rendezvous with the Malawians (TF1):the argument between Michaël Youn and Christian Clavier

Playing back during a film shoot is not necessarily a sign of sympathy. Christian Clavier and Michaël Youn can attest to this for the filming of Rendez-vous chez les Malawas .

Released in 2019, Rendez-vous chez les Malawis by James Huth is not really what can be defined as a classic of French cinema. With 4.5 million euros collected at the box office, the film never knew how to make a profit from its cost which had risen to more than 12 million euros.

Critics did not spare him and on the set, two actors got confused:Christian Clavier and Michaël Youn .

Engueulade Michaël Youn and Christian Clavier

Screen partners for Meet the Malawians , Michael Youn and Christian Clavier will certainly no longer go on vacation together. During the filming of the film, the two actors of opposite generations had some differences.

Filmed in January and March 2019 in South Africa , the climatic conditions were a source of tension between the two big names in cinema. Approaching 50 degrees at times, Christian Clavier had expressed his exasperation, even threatening to leave the shoot .

While promoting the film in December 2019, the Morning Live alum did not have only tender words for the star of Bronzés . In the Europe 1 studio, Mathieu Noël had asked Michaël Youn to designate who had been the most painful during the making of the film:"Christian, what can I tell you… Yes, he is boring" he declared.

Read also:What happened to Margot, the daughter of Marie-Anne Chazel and Christian Clavier?

"We didn't hang humanely"

Two years later, the interpreter of Fatal returned to this tension with his counterpart. For the Figaro , he detailed this particular enmity:"I had a really difficult shoot with someone I really like, who I'm a big fan of who is called Christian Clavier (...) I I'm a fan of Christian, but we didn't hang humanly " declared Michaël Youn. The film Rendez-vous chez les Malawas is broadcast this Monday evening on TF1.

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