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Shark film:Jaws, Blue Fear, essential works

A genre apart in the world of cinema, the shark film has seen several classic works since its debut in the 1970s.

Shark film:Jaws, Blue Fear, essential works

Terrifying, distressing, traumatic… There are many qualifiers when it comes to describing our experience with a shark film. The animal, always fat and rarely lifelike, has brought nightmares to millions of viewers since its debut in the 1970s with Steven Spielberg's Jaws .

But, if the scenarios are sometimes similar, directors have been able to share their genius to shoot films in an original way.

Shark Movies

In 1975, film lovers were still unaware of the trauma that Jaws would cause. by Steven Spielberg . Many people, after viewing the masterpiece, will decide not to set foot in the water again for fear of being bitten by a dogfish that is a little too virulent. The director thus models a new genre of film:horror.

And the works featuring these terrors of the seas will play on this distressing and merciless side of these underwater creatures, emancipating themselves from a very different reality.

Read also:The 10 largest sharks in the world

Scared blue , Survival instinct

If the genre sometimes falls into the B series, see in the nanar with the sequels to Jaws or the "famous" Sharknado , a few pearls can be detected. The shark as an intelligent creature, in Blue Scare with Samuel Lee Jackson, as a funny individual in Shark Gang or like a natural hunter in 47 meters down .

However, other works will stand out for the quality of the special effects and their gigantism in recent productions. We bring you seven must-see shark movies.

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