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TikTok:why not follow this trend of eating frozen honey?

A new culinary trend has appeared on TikTok. It consists of eating honey that has been frozen beforehand. But this idea could be bad for your health.

Since the creation of TikTok, new challenges have been launched regularly. Whether it's imitation of cult film scenes, wild dances, make-up and many others, the video application continues to offer us new content, each more attractive than the last. others. But sometimes, certain challenges are bad for your health or even downright dangerous.

Frozen honey, the new trend that is a hit on TikTok

And the trend of the day, the one that consists of eating honey that we would have previously placed in the freezer. To complete this challenge, simply place the sugary substance in a plastic bottle, then head for the freezer. When released, its consistency somewhat resembles blown glass.

Why shouldn't we follow this trend?

But this challenge turns out not to be the most formidable idea. This is why since the appearance of this new trend, many doctors and nutritionists are warning about the dangers of such practice.

Indeed, if we think that honey is a food that is good for health, we must not abuse it. Nutritionist Neeha Nagpal told The Independent:

However, if you still want to try it, you have been warned:stomach aches and sugar overload will surely also be there.