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10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

Whether you're looking to stick to a New Year's resolution or just trying to improve your life, self-improvement audiobooks can help. But there are so many out there that it can be difficult to choose one.

That's why we've searched the internet for the best self-improvement books you can listen to. From cleaning up clutter to reducing stress, these inspirational audiobooks will help you get your life back on track.

Audiobooks for a simpler life

Eliminate clutter The KonMari method applied to your digital life The KonMari method applied to your digital life To live a happier life, discard everything that does not bring you joy and organize the rest. Here's how to apply the KonMari method to your digital life. Read More These three books will help you simplify in different areas of your life..

1. Goodbye, things:the new Japanese minimalism by Fumio Sasaki

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

Fumio Sasaki is not a self-help guru, and he is not an organization expert. He is also not a founder of ultra-hip companies in Silicon Valley. He's just a normal guy who decided that he didn't need to own so many things..

Bye, stuff includes practical tips on how you can reduce the amount of things he owns. This book is about his journey and the remarkable ways he changed his life after embracing minimalism..

Buy Goodbye, stuff : Audible | iTunes | Downpour

2. Essentialism:The Disciplined Search for Less by Greg McKeown

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

Once you have decluttered your space, you can begin to clear your mind. McKeown encourages readers to stop chasing everything and start looking for the right things. It is a method of developing the discipline to understand what is important and where you should spend your time.

By focusing on tasks, projects, and priorities, rather than possessions, McKeown helps readers clear their minds. And that results in better focus, more discipline, and more effectiveness. While the book is often discussed as being good for entrepreneurs, the insights are applicable to everyone's life.

Buy Essentialism : Audible | iTunes | Downpour

3. The ONE Thing:The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

Keller's idea is simple:he finds the one thing you're working for and relentlessly pursues it. However, doing that is not as simple as it seems. This book will help you do it..

When you focus on what's important, you ignore the things that are unnecessary and spend your time working on the tasks that will bring you closer to your ultimate goal.

Buy The only thing : Audible | iTunes

Audiobooks for more productivity

We are all looking for ways to get more done. These audiobooks take you beyond to-do lists and productivity systems to the deeper systems that underlie productivity.

4. The Power of Habit:Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

While our conscious minds are capable of some pretty amazing things, it's our underlying habits. How to Use Spark Microhabits and Massive Personal Change How to Use Spark Microhabits and Massive Personal Change Creating new habits is hard. Habits are usually built over weeks or months of repetition, and the motivation is the challenge. When the going gets tough, microhabits can go a long way. Read More And changing our habits is the key to success..

Duhigg guides readers through some fascinating science on his quest for the power of habit. He shares stories of some of the most successful people of our time, from Howard Schultz to Michael Phelps. And he shows how "key stone" Habits form the basis of success ..

Buy The power of habit : Audible | iTunes | Downpour

5. Eat That Frog!:21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

Procrastination is a productivity killer. If you're wasting time when you could be working, you're sabotaging your own success. Eat that frog! gives you actionable strategies to beat procrastination so you can get more done in less time.

The title comes from the saying, “If you start your day by eating a live frog, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you're done with the worst thing you'll do all day.” Yes, it's weird. But when Tracy applies it to modern life, you'll see Which is an apt metaphor and can transform your productivity. That's why this is one of the best motivational audiobooks of all time.

Buy Eat that frog! : Audible | iTunes | Downpour

6. Deep Work:Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

Technology has made it more difficult to focus on what we are doing. We are constantly bombarded with notifications, tempted by addictive social media, and led astray by relentless email. In this book, Newport discusses the importance of "deep work," a state of focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task.

With a combination of practical strategies and reflections on modern culture, he will learn to understand the nature of deep work. And he will have to accept some startling suggestions:like the idea that serious professionals should ditch social media. What happens when you leave social networks? 6 things I learned What happens when you leave social networks? 6 Things I Learned If you're planning to quit social media, you may have questions about what comes next. This is what you can expect. Read more.

Buy Deep work : Audible | iTunes | Downpour

7. Flow:The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

If you have ever felt extremely in tune with what you are doing and with a deep sense of pleasure, you have experienced what Csikszentmihalyi calls "optimal experience," or a state of flow. In Flow:The Psychology of Optimal Experience , describes the idea that consciously ordering the information that enters our subconscious can engage us in a state of flow.

If you are interested in psychology, this is an excellent self-help book. He backs up his claims with scientific results and explains why optimal experience is so important in research. It will help you overcome chronic inattention to your life and become more deeply involved in your work and leisure time.

Buy Flow : Audible | iTunes

Audiobooks for a better life

Many popular self-improvement audiobooks are very focused and tackle a variety of issues. These two, however, are more specific, as they can be applied to almost any area of ​​your life.

8. Relax!:7 Principles for a Stress-Free Life by Michael Olpin and Sam Bracken

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

Stress permeates every corner of our lives. It affects our work, our relationships, even our health. If you can lower your stress levels, you'll see all kinds of improvements. Relax! focuses on seven “paradigm shifts” that will help you think and act differently in all areas of your life.

It's not like any other stress reduction book you've ever read, and the changes it brings about in the way you see the world and your relationship with it may very well change your life. It is a short but powerful book. (If you find that your stress is causing you anxiety, be sure to check out Reward Your Anxious Brain !)

Buy Relax! : Audible | iTunes | Downpour

9. The Basses:What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

You won't find this on many self-improvement audiobook lists. But Carr's exploration of the changes caused by constant connectivity. Reclaim His Focus:5 Ideas for Dealing with Short Attention Spans. Reclaim His Focus:5 Ideas for Dealing with Short Attention Spans. to absorb any of it. However, you can take steps to improve your care with a few simple steps. Read More When you see how big the effect is, you can't help but change how you do things.

Carr maintains that all information technology carries an ethic; and that the ethics carried by the internet is not doing us any favors. It's a tough look in the mirror, and even if you don't call it a self-help audiobook, it deserves a spot on this list.

Shop The Shallows : Audible | iTunes | Downpour

Audiobooks on wealth management

Money, or the lack of it in your life, is a common topic addressed in self-help audiobooks. And there are many of them out there, but there is one that stands out from the rest..

10. Rich Dad Poor Dad:What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Don't! by Robert Kiyosaki

10 Self-Improvement Audiobooks To Help Change Your Life

Despite the title, it's not just about teaching your kids personal finance lessons. It's about how rich people think differently about money than non-rich people. And how those distinctions can help you from the latter group to the former.

It's not a new book, it's over 20 years old at the time of writing, but the advice is timeless. Kiyosaki helps you rethink assets and liabilities, one of the foundations of personal finance. And with that rethinking, you'll see how you can become rich without making a ton of money.

Buy Rich Dad Poor Dad : Audible | iTunes | Downpour

What are your favorite self-improvement audiobooks?

These 10 audiobooks will help you make positive changes in your life. But they are certainly not the only options out there. Everyone responds to different kinds of self-improvement advice. The important thing is to start, where to start with self-improvement? Where do you start with self-improvement? If you know you want to engage in a self-enhancing lifestyle, but don't know where to start, these simple, time-tested strategies can help you find your footing. Read more.

Do you listen to self-improvement audiobooks? If so, what are your favorites? Are there other self-improvement audiobooks that you would include? Please share your recommendations in the comments below!