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Offer your art to the world and watch it change your life

The very nature of a work of art is something immutable, ephemeral and infinite. There is only one work of art like this in the entire world, and for that, art is something immensely special. In fact, the perception and creation of art is so innate to us as human beings, that drawings and paintings can be seen in caves from a millennium ago.

Art is more than a gift

Today, not much has changed when it comes to artistic expression, which is why art remains the best gift a person can give. No one knows this better than award-winning pencil artist Samantha Messias, whose art is celebrated in communities around the world. Approaching each artwork as a hyper-realistic presentation of an image, drawing on such fine detail that the drawings end up looking like photographs, Messias has learned to take the gift of art and make it therapeutic for her- same.

"I haven't had a righteous life, nor have so many other people in the world today," Messias said. “At times when I could have given up and thrown in the towel, it was my art that encouraged me to keep going. I thought:how could I endure such trauma, to just stop? That's the power of art.

For Messias, her art can do three incredible things both for herself and for the people in her life today:

  • Art media being present:Art is something that is created in the present moment. It is the embodiment of everything a person felt, just at that moment, and everything they saw, heard and felt while holding the pencil in their hand that was pressed against the canvas or the paper. Art is the very essence of being present.
  • Art can inspire others:When a person takes the time to create a new style, portray a certain image, and be vulnerable by expressing themselves through their art, it definitely inspires others . Art can say what our words cannot say for us, and it can, in many ways, make it easier for us to connect with each other. This is why Messias constantly encourages other victims of abuse to also use art in healing ways.
  • Art can be an emotional release used for healing:Art is used by therapists around the world to help individuals process what has happened to them in their own way. This is why Messias has been drawing since the age of 5. She used her drawing to heal, year after year, and today she is a celebrated artist whose work has made international headlines.

The saving grace of artistic expression

"There's nothing like giving someone art and showing them that they mean so much to you, that you're willing to spend days or weeks creating something just for them “said Messias. “I know that for me, art is the best thing I have to give to the world. Along the way, my art is what saved me.

For more information or to work with Samantha, visit: