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7 Brilliant Books You Should Never Buy on Kindle

For the most part, reading an eBook on your Kindle is a lot like reading an actual book. Some books, however, were not meant to be read digitally. You can still do it, but it's really not a good idea. The experience will be much more satisfying if you undertake the journey in its original form..

Here are seven of those books. You should definitely read them, just don't read them on a Kindle because they suck like e-books.

1. The Familiar by Mark Danielewski (UK / CA)

Mark Danielewski's most popular novel, House of Leaves , is known for its unusual style and design, to the extent that it's not even available on Kindle. You can buy your Family Books on Kindle, but you probably shouldn't. Many pages include images, sentences that don't go left to right and top to bottom, or just a few words.

The Familiar, Volume 1:A Rainy Day in May The Familiar, Volume 1:A Rainy Day in May Buy Now On Amazon $6.00

The sheer isolation of those few words is an important element of the aesthetic feel the book is trying to create. And seeing them on a small screen, surrounded by the gray void of electronic ink. What is electronic ink? How does it work and why does every ebook fan need it? What is E-Ink? How It Works And Why Every E-Book Fan Needs It If you read eBooks and haven't switched to E-Ink yet, then you're missing out. Here's everything you need to know about why E-Ink is great for eBook lovers. Read More It just doesn't work.

2. Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix (UK / CA)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to read a horror story in an IKEA catalogue? Nope? Then you are missing out. Horrorstör is exactly that. Three furniture store clerks spend an all-night shift at the store to see what's wreaking havoc on the sales floor...and find horrors they didn't expect.

Horrorstor:A Novel Horrorstor:A Novel Buy Now On Amazon $8.69

What Horrorstör does a disappointment in Kindle is not what you might expect. Instead of publishing the book on standard book paper, Quirk Books published it in a glossy magazine format, mimicking the form of a furniture catalogue, complete with item descriptions, product illustrations, a map, and an order form. by mail. The Kindle version just can't cope with this level of creativity.

3. Through the Woods by Emily Carroll (UK / CA)

Another horror story that the Kindle doesn't do justice to., Through the Woods It is a collection of five illustrated stories. However, they are not just simple illustrations:they are incredibly beautiful and haunting. Even if you're reading this on a Kindle Fire or another tablet, what's the difference between eBook readers and tablets? What is the difference between E-Readers and tablets? E-readers and tablets are not the same thing. Here's what you need to know about their differences. Read More

The fairy tale feeling present in this book will take you back to the stories of your childhood, which, unless you are a fetus, were almost certainly not read to you on a Kindle. The perversion of childhood innocence in these stories combined with the striking illustrations make this a must read in the real role.

7 Brilliant Books You Should Never Buy on Kindle

4. The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami (UK / CA)

Murakami is not known for following literary conventions. And The strange library it allows you to break away from the physical conventions of the book world as well. It is an illustrated novel, so the images included in the book are crucial to the story. Seeing them in black and gray on a Kindle just doesn't cut it.

The Strange Library The Strange Library Buy Now On Amazon $6.00

Even the cover can't communicate well on a Kindle. Instead of just opening it from right to left, readers must open three different flaps to get to the story itself. It sounds like a pain, but Murakami doesn't take these decisions lightly. There is definitely a reason for the presentation of this book..

5. Keith Houston's book (UK / CA)

This is a book about books, it seems sacrilege to read it on a screen. Exploring the physical components of books, from paper and cardboard to thread and ink, Houston looks at the cultural forces that shaped (and were shaped by) the book as an artifact.

7 Brilliant Books You Should Never Buy on Kindle

Color illustrations, illuminated lettering, and nice touches of bright red accents make this a joy to play on paper. On an electronic ink screen? It just doesn't have the same effect. And while e-readers have undoubtedly changed the reading landscape for the better in many ways, it just feels good to explore a book about the physicality of books with paper in your hands.

6. Arcadia by Iain Pears (CA)

Pears' latest work was published as an iPad app before being released in hardcover and Kindle versions. But it was an app for a reason. Peras is known for complicated, intertwining stories and Arcadia It is an excellent example of that trend. So much so, in fact, that the app renders it visually:

7 Brilliant Books You Should Never Buy on Kindle

Readers can move through the stories however they want, moving forward and backward in time, revealing secrets in different orders, and choosing how the story unfolds. It's a great book, and this flexibility is crucial. But in the Kindle version, you lose all that. It's just not that good.

(On a personal note, I absolutely adore this book, and highly recommend it.)

7. The silent story of Eli Horowitz and Matthew Derby (CA)

7 Brilliant Books You Should Never Buy on Kindle

Originally presented as a serial novel How to Read More Books Using Serial Reading Apps How to Read More Books Using Serial Reading Apps Most people agree that reading books is good for you, but finding the time to read can be difficult. So why not use this simple method to help you read more books? Read more , The silent story It also started life as an app. And yet it is best experienced that way. The print and Kindle versions contain the main story, which consists of 120 character testimonials, but the app has a completely different feature that you wouldn't be seeing.

Field Reports are short, location-specific stories that add to the core narrative. They are still being written in collaboration with fans of the book, and are tied to specific GPS coordinates. What is geocaching and how to have fun with it? What is geocaching and how to have fun with it? Read More. When you reach those coordinates, you will unlock the Field Report. There's just no way to replicate that sense of adventure just by reading the main story on your Kindle.

Some books are not for Kindle

If you're a fan of print books or if you think the Kindle is by far the superior option, Books Suck:Why I Love My Kindle More Than Dead Trees Books Suck:Why I Love My Kindle More Than Dead Trees, readers electrónicos modernos sostienen Miles de novelas, pesan casi nada, tienen luces incorporadas y no te dan una conmoción cerebral cuando te tocan la nariz. Lea más, no se puede negar que algunos libros son mejores en papel (o, en casos muy raros, como aplicaciones). Algunos de ellos no pueden hacer la transición a lo digital, por lo que Casa de hojas , Bough Down , y Griffin y Sabine ni siquiera se ofrecen en el Kindle.

Algunos otros están disponibles, a pesar de perjudicar al lector. Los siete libros anteriores nunca serán tan buenos para el Kindle como lo son en sus formas originales. Así que por favor, piense dos veces antes de descargar cualquiera de ellos.!

¿Hay otros libros que simplemente no funcionan en el Kindle? ¿Cómo te sientes acerca del debate papel vs. digital? ¿Qué libros nunca leerías digitalmente? ¿Hay libros que realmente funcionan mejor en Kindle? Por favor comparta sus pensamientos en los comentarios a continuación!