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Should I buy a Kindle or just use the free app?

It seems like just about everyone has an e-reader these days, and just about everyone who has one has a Kindle. But do you really need a Kindle when you can only use the Kindle app? Why buy a Kindle when you can use the Kindle app for Android? Why buy a Kindle when you can use the Kindle app for Android? There are many people who are not interested in buying a Kindle or similar e-book reader simply because they already have a similar multi-purpose device, such as a tablet or smartphone. Could it be one of these... Read More

Could you save the $80-$290 (not a typo) it would cost to buy a new e-reader just by using the app? Here are the pros and cons of both options to help you decide once and for all.

Buying a Kindle:Pros

There are many reasons why you might be interested in buying a Kindle. The most obvious, of course, is that you can carry an almost unlimited number of books in your pocket. All current Kindle models come with 4 GB of storage space, and even large books often have less than 1 MB of space (Moby Dick , One of the longest books I have ever read is a scant 2.4 MB. That's an absolutely huge amount of books that you can take with you.

Should I buy a Kindle or just use the free app?

And the Kindle is, in fact, very small. My own Kindle Voyage measures 6.4" x 4.5" x 0.3", which makes it easy to literally stash in my back pocket if I want to take it somewhere. And at 6.3 ounces, I hardly notice it in there. The new Kindle Oasis Meet the new Amazon Kindle, control your Android with your voice… [Tech News Digest] Meet the new Amazon Kindle, control your Android with your voice… [Tech News Digest] The next Amazon Kindle leaked, control your Android without use your With your hands, share Dropbox files using Facebook Messenger, Vista's nightmare will be over soon, and Softcore Henry has a boring office job Read More It only weighs 4.6 ounces without the cover, which is amazingly light when you hold it in your hands Absolutely can't be beat in form factor.

The fact that the Kindle isn't backlit is another big plus:looking at backlit screens, like your phone or iPad, could make it harder to sleep at night. What is a blue light filter and which app works best? What is a blue light filter and which app works best? Your phone screen keeps you awake. Don't let it. These apps will help you rest well. Read More Kindle's e-ink display and built-in LEDs provide soft lighting that's easy on the eyes without hindering your nighttime reading. Voyage and Oasis even have adaptive light sensors to automatically adjust to your current lighting. And electronic ink is amazingly clear. What is electronic ink? How does it work and why does every ebook fan need it? What is E-Ink? How It Works And Why Every E-Book Fan Needs It If you read eBooks and haven't switched to E-Ink yet, then you're missing out. Here's everything you need to know about why E-Ink is great for eBook lovers. Read More

Should I buy a Kindle or just use the free app?

One of my personal favorite features of the Kindle Voyage and Oasis is the presence of page turn buttons on the bezel of the reader. It sounds ridiculous, but if you read all 100 pages of a novel, your thumb will get tired of moving from the side of the device to hit the touch screen and turn the page. The base model Kindle and Paperwhite are still touch screen only, but the other two models include this great feature.

Direct access to the Kindle Store is also a great feature of owning a Kindle; you can open the store from your device, search for books and download them immediately. If you have a 3G-enabled Kindle, you can do this from anywhere you can get cellular reception. This is great if you're stuck in an airport or somewhere else where you might have to pay for Wi-Fi when you really want a new book.

Buying a Kindle:Cons

With all those benefits, you'll be hard-pressed to find enough drawbacks to dissuade you from buying a Kindle, but there's definitely one con worth mentioning:price. Kindles aren't cheap, especially if you want extra features. The base model is $80, which seems reasonable enough, but you can't get 3G, there are no lights or page turn buttons, and the screen resolution is just over half that of the other models. .

Should I buy a Kindle or just use the free app?

The Paperwhite gives you the LEDs and the option of 3G, but you're looking at a jump of up to $120 to get there. Moving on to the Voyage, which provides more LEDs and an adaptive light sensor, page-turn buttons, and a smaller profile, it falls into the, “Oof, that's expensive” range at $200+. And the Oasis, the new flagship model, pushes the boundaries of reasonable at $290 (you can see all the features and differences in this great Kindle comparison. Which Kindle Device Should You Buy? A Comparison Guide Which Kindle Device Should You Buy ?A Comparison Guide There are four different Kindle readers available to buy for different types of users, but which Kindle device is right for you? Read More.

Are all those features worth the cash outlay? That will largely depend on your budget and how much time you spend reading. I spent over $200 on the trip when it came out, and it was worth every penny, largely because I read a lot, and a lot of it is at night after my wife has already turned off the light and gone to sleep. The LEDs are soft enough not to wake her up.

Application usage:Pros

Even with all the benefits of buying a Kindle, there are many significant benefits to using the app. First of all, it is completely free. Obviously, you still have to pay for the books you download (unless you're taking advantage of the huge amount of free stuff you can get for your Kindle) How to Find Unlimited Free Content for Your Kindle How to Find Unlimited Free Content for Your Kindle Are you Looking for more things to read on your Kindle? Here are all the websites, tools, and tips to fill your e-reader with free, high-quality content that will keep you reading for hours (Read More), but you don't have to. pay one thing for the app If you have a Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, or Blackberry 10 device, you can download it.

And there's definitely something to be said for getting the app on a device you already have. A Kindle is small and light, sure, but it's another device you'll need to store, charge, and carry if you want to take it anywhere. Using the app on a device you're probably already carrying with you anyway frees up a bit of storage space in your bag, which can be very valuable (especially if you're flying and have to pay by the ounce for your luggage). hand). ).

Should I buy a Kindle or just use the free app?

In addition to being available for just about any device, the interface for the Kindle app is really nice. Three different color schemes (day, night, and sepia) and easy brightness adjustment make it easy to dial in from wherever you're reading (unless you're outside in bright sunlight—we'll get to that in a bit). And while Kindle touch screens are great, they're not:using the app on a tablet will give you sharper, faster interactions.

Because the app is full color on other devices, it can highlight in multiple colors, which might not seem like a big deal, but if you're using your Kindle for textbooks or any other books for school, you could put it on a good position. use.

Using the app:Cons

You can probably already see where this section will go. The biggest drawback to using the app, of course, is the backlight on your device; it's not as good as the e-ink and LED lighting that comes standard on higher-tier Kindles. You can definitely read in the dark, but even in night mode, it's pretty harsh and will hurt your eyes. Why do your eyes hurt with a new iPhone, iPad or iMac? Why do your eyes hurt from a new iPhone, iPad or iMac? Apple's LED display is a common source of consumer complaints. Many new iPhone, iPad, and Mac users have reported that it causes eye strain and general discomfort, but if you look around at... Read More You are probably already spending too many hours looking at a screen, and reading on one is not going to help you. It will also be extremely difficult to use in direct sunlight.

Should I buy a Kindle or just use the free app?

This is a personal preference, but I find the lack of page-turning buttons on my iPad, where I most often use the Kindle app, to be a drawback. Moving my thumb half an inch and tapping or wiping to turn the page isn't that important, but as I mentioned earlier, 100 pages will show you how nice those buttons are.

One of the most annoying drawbacks of the Kindle app for iOS is that it doesn't have access to the Kindle store, due to some restrictions set by Apple. The Android app has access to the store, and probably the Windows app too. However, since many people like to read on their iPads, the lack of access on iOS can be a drawback. (A recent Apple Books review 10 Must-Have Apple Books Tips for Better Reading 10 Must-Have Apple Books for Better Reading iOS 12 brings Apple Books, a revamped iBooks with great features. These Apple Books tips will enhance your Apple Books experience. ebook. Read More

And if the very small form factor of the Kindle is something you really want, it's the size of a tablet. What tablet size should you get these days? What tablet size should you get these days? With so many tablet options on the market, it can be hard to know which size is right for you. Our breakdown makes it easy to know the answer. Read More However, many people find that the size of their phone is not good for reading, so that could be another inconvenience.

What should you choose?

As you can see, both the Kindle e-reader and the Kindle app have a lot going for them, but they also have a couple of drawbacks (most notably, the price of the Kindle). And while either can be a good fit for either of them, there are a few things that might make you choose one over the other.

You'll probably want a Kindle, for example, if you read a lot of books. Want to read more this year? Here are 10 ways to do it. Want to read more this year? Here are 10 ways to do it. Spending more time reading isn't always easy. But think of the benefits:escaping and de-stressing, learning new things, connecting with people, thinking in new ways, and gaining new insights. Read more . Exactly what qualifies as "a lot" is open to interpretation, but I'd tell you that if you read an hour or more every day, you'll really benefit from the e-ink screen. If you tend to read outside or in the dark on a regular basis, the screen will also be a huge benefit.

Should I buy a Kindle or just use the free app?

I think I also really appreciate my Kindle when I travel, the ability to put it in my pocket and read when I'm on a bus or waiting in a hotel is really nice, and the reading experience is so much better than it is on a phone. Buying a new book anywhere is also good.

If you don't read that much, or the backlight doesn't bother you, the Kindle app is a great way to save money on a fairly expensive gadget. How to be frugal while enjoying technology and gadgets Still enjoying technology and gadgets Just because you're being frugal doesn't mean you can't enjoy technology! Here are some tips on how not to break the bank with tech purchases. Read more . It's not ideal to use on your phone, but it can certainly be done. However, a tablet will provide a better experience, both in terms of visuals and tactile feedback.

Probably the best way to find out if you should buy a Kindle is to try using the app first. Read a full book or two over the course of a couple of weeks to see how you like using the app on your phone or tablet, and if you think you prefer a Kindle, then you can decide which model is best for you. If you prefer portability and having that extra cash in your wallet or bag, stick with the app.

Do you use a Kindle e-reader or the Kindle app? Or do you use a different Kindle e-reader app vs. iBooks:what is the best e-reader for your iPad or iPhone? Kindle vs. iBooks:What's the best e-reader for your iPad or iPhone? Apple iBooks and Amazon Kindle are two of the best apps for reading a book and each has its own strengths and weaknesses, but which one is right for your reading habits? Read more ? Or even something else? How did you decide which one to use? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below!