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Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

SoundCloud is known as a place where both established and up-and-coming hitmakers can post new music. And while SoundCloud is a great site for music lovers, it has a lot to offer when you're not in the mood to listen to music. Hate music? Has Spotify still got you covered in hate music? Spotify still has you covered Spotify's music selection is well documented. But maybe you're not a music person. Don't worry:the service has a cool but little-known genre called Word packed with selections of spoken words. Read more.

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Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

SoundCloud files tagged as storytelling are usually spoken word selections and podcasts. They play a wide variety of topics and themes, all equally entertaining.

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Here are 12 of the most compelling storytelling podcasts you can stream right now on SoundCloud.

1. Quick judgment

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

Hosted by Glynn Washington, this NPR narration podcast features a different theme for each episode. Topics range from stories of broken promises and women's cultural experiences to putting your faith in others. Each episode has a creative title such as "Blood Oath," "Big Girls Don't Cry," or "Leap of Faith."

The narrative drive behind each episode is what makes this podcast one of the best on SoundCloud's top 50 list.

Washington begins each episode with a personal story that sets the tone for the rest of the episode. The episode is then broken into three or four smaller segments where guest narrators share their stories with listeners. Each included story is incredibly engaging and enhanced with post-production background sounds and effects.

You can listen to each episode as a whole, or just individual segments. Consequently, the running time for this podcast ranges from less than five minutes to an hour.

2. Worthy story

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

In this podcast, hosts Christine Blackburn and Hannes Phinney set up real-life stories told by real people. With new episodes being released every Monday, runtimes vary widely from 15-minute blockbuster stories to longer episodes of an hour.

You can get a good idea of ​​what each story is about from the title. Examples include “I Saved a Lady in the Jungle in Thailand with Dennis Gubbins,” “I Was Accidentally in a Threesome with Kira Soltanovich,” and “Multiple Dating with Alex Stein.”

3. Welcome to Night Vale

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

This unique podcast follows a fictional desert town in the southwestern United States, where conspiracy theories come to life. Night okay New episodes typically air on the 1st and 15th of every month, and each one is presented like a local radio show.

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4. A Prairie Home Companion [No Longer Available]

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

If you like audio narration, chances are you're already familiar with A Fellow Housemate on the Prairie. . This is a long-running production that was staged by Garrison Keillor for over 40 years.

Now hosted by Chris Thile, the public radio device is available on SoundCloud, including dozens of older episodes hosted on Keillor. For the uninitiated, A Prairie Housemate follows the fictional town of Lake Wobegon through a series of music and comedy sketches.

5. Criminal

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

Sometimes a name says it all, and that's the case with the Criminal podcast As the title suggests, the podcast focuses on crime stories, or, in his own words, “stories of people who have done wrong, been mistreated, or been caught somewhere in between.”

Any fan of true crime stories will enjoy Criminal , which features nearly 50 self-contained episodes that run between 15 and 30 minutes.

6. sift

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

Sift to is a weekly podcast produced and hosted by researcher and editor Bishop Sand. It focuses on the way we think about ourselves and the rest of the world. Arena chats with experts on a wide variety of topics, including causality, death, the origin of life, and paradoxes.

These episodes are good for those looking to learn something new or hear a new angle on a familiar topic. Episodes are generally between five and 20 minutes long, with most falling on the shorter end of that spectrum.

7. The Mortified Podcast

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

Everyone remembers especially traumatic or embarrassing events from their childhood, and those events are the subjects of The Mortified Podcast . Episodes average about 20 minutes, and each episode features an adult talking about embarrassing artifacts from childhood, such as magazines, home movies, artwork, or self-written poems and works.

Mortified has grown far beyond a podcast and has spawned live events, an independent documentary, a television series, two books, and an associated website.

8. BackStory

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

In BackStory , US historians Ed Ayers, Peter Onuf, and Brian Balogh take current issues and place them in a historical perspective 5 More Free History Educational Resources You'll Love to Explore 5 More Free History Educational Resources You'll Love to Explore Watch Different parts of the story fit in unique ways. Whether you're a student or just someone who wants to learn, these five educational history websites are for you. Read more . For example, recent episodes have touched on the history of women in US politics and the history of US political conventions.

Those interested in learning a bit of the history behind current events will enjoy BackStory . The episodes are a bit longer, each one lasting about an hour. However, most are also broken down into smaller, shorter chapters for those with shorter attention spans.

9. Love + Radio [No Longer Available]

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

A monthly podcast from Nick van der Kolk, Love + Radio He is known for his deep immersion in a wide range of subjects. The show began in 2005 and began regular production in 2014. Throughout its run, it has earned praise from the likes of This American Life host Ira Glass, who said Love + Radio has “Some of the most emotionally involved stories and portraits of people that anyone is doing anywhere.”

The show currently has four seasons of episodes available, with the majority between 25 and 60 minutes.

10. Traveling Radio

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

For the Spanish-speaking contingent, Walking radio is a podcast in Spanish that tells Latin American stories from everywhere where Spanish is spoken, including the United States.

Most episodes are between 20 and 30 minutes long. While those posted on SoundCloud are in Spanish, interested listeners can find English translated versions on Radio Ambulante's website.

11. long form

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

Many episodes of Long form in fact they are on the longer side, with some approaching an hour and 20 minutes. But that's not where the podcast gets its name. The weekly show features interviews with nonfiction writers about how they approach their craft. 9 Free Online Journalism Resources For Every Aspiring Writer 9 Free Online Journalism Resources For Every Aspiring Writer The Internet is full of free resources for learning journalism. Here are some of the must-read (or must-watch) educational materials you shouldn't skip over or miss. Read more . Past guests include Gay Talese, Lena Dunham, Malcolm Gladwell and Michael Lewis.

Readers interested in the way some of their favorite writers create their work will enjoy, just make sure you give yourself plenty of time to listen.

12. The Dinner Party Download

Compelling Storytellers 12 Podcasts to Listen to on SoundCloud

Think about The Dinner Party Download Like a peculiar variety show for your ears. Hosted by Rico Gagliano and Brendan Francis Newnam, the show describes itself as "NPR meets Vanity Fair." These capsules contain celebrity interviews, food and drink recipes, and plenty of bad jokes.

The show features a who's who guest list including Steve Martin, Henry Rollins, Richard Branson and Dick Cavett.

Be sure to browse!

These 12 podcasts are just a small sampling of what's available in SoundCloud's repertoire of storytelling. As the main narrative changes from day to day, you can find something new each day you check the list. You can also click New and Hot which will take you to a list of the most recent episodes of various podcasts.

So go ahead. Start enjoying what could become your new favorite means of communication:commenting on podcasts!

Do you have a favorite podcast? If so, tell us about it in the comments section below. Or, if you don't listen to the podcasts, tell us what's keeping you from being entertained by them?