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How smartphones have ruined movies forever

While smartphones have had some amazing effects Why Smartphones Are Awesome:The Case For Checking Email All The Time Why Smartphones Are Awesome:The Case For Checking Email All The Time A few weeks ago, we put out a post where Yaara wrote why she thinks a lot of people use smartphones too much, and why they can't be that good. While many of Yaara's... Read More Some people are addicted to their phones. Are you addicted to your smartphone? Are you addicted to your smartphone? At one time, all we had was a landline and pay phone, and we survived just fine, thank you very much. But now, it's almost ridiculous if you don't have an iPhone or Android, and for some... Read More life Your smartphone could be ruining your life, or at least have the ability to do so in the future. Read more.

Even if you don't have too much trouble using your phone, it's hard to deny that these devices have had an irreversible effect on other spheres of life. Let's take a look at just one example:movies.

Thanks to smartphones...

Movie theaters can be annoying

It's a problem as old as cell phones:You go to the movies to see the latest blockbusters, and some idiot in front of you gets a call and chats for 20 minutes. These disturbances are a big reason why cinema attendance is in decline Cinema is dying:how cinemas can ensure its survival Cinema is dying:how cinemas can guarantee its survival Cinemas need to offer more than just a way of watch the latest movies. They need to stop competing on "convenience" and start focusing on "experience." That is how. Read More

Instead of calling someone, people who aren't interested in watching the movie aimlessly browse their smartphones, check Facebook, or do who knows what else. Of course, these idiots never have the courtesy to lower their brightness. Top 5 apps to manage screen brightness on Android. Top 5 apps to manage screen brightness on Android. Incorrect screen brightness settings can cause eye strain and fatigue. That is why you should use one of these Android screen brightness apps. Read More

We've previously looked at how to make theater phone control less of a hassle. 5 non-obtrusive ways to control your smartphone at the movies. 5 non-obtrusive ways to control your smartphone at the movies. What are the three most annoying behaviors in the world? Interrupting people. People who do not allow you to join the traffic. People using their smartphone at the cinema. Read More If you're really addicted, use it as an exercise to focus on your attention span Regain Your Focus:5 Ideas For Dealing With Short Attention Spans Regain Your Focus:5 Ideas For Dealing With Short Attention Spans We have more information available than ever before, but this, ironically, has damaged our ability to absorb any of it. However, you can take steps to improve your care with a few simple steps. Read more . Everyone else will thank you, and maybe people will start going to theaters again.

We watch movies on tiny screens

Part of the appeal of services like Netflix Hulu Plus vs. iTunes vs. Netflix vs. Amazon Instant Video:Which is the best? Hulu Plus vs. iTunes vs. Netflix vs. Amazon Instant Video:Which is the best? Hulu. iTunesNetflix. Amazon Instant Video. The soul of cinema and television online. The new wave of home media. Endless entertainment providers where pants are not necessarily necessary. They are the contenders... Read More . The classic horror that I can face; I enjoy the psychological horror of Alfred Hitchcock, for example, but I'm not a fan of scares and gore, as a general rule. My wife, in the... Read More No matter you are on a PC, Smart TV, PlayStation 4, tablet or smartphone, you can access your catalog of movies and TV shows. However, this access has degraded the quality of your movie experience.

Blu-Rays Blu-Ray Technology History and the DVD [Technology Explained] Blu-Ray Technology History and the DVD [Technology Explained] Read more and more “full HD” What is the difference between HD Ready and Full HD ? What is the difference between HD Ready and Full HD? Manufacturers of televisions and computer monitors can be a cunning bunch, using different acronyms to hide hardware capabilities. Well, worry no more. We have explained what HD Ready really means. Read More media have provided a viable alternative to the aggravation of cinema; these are usually viewed on a large screen television which allows the viewer to see all the details of the film.

Now, most people are content to watch a full-length movie on the small screen of their smartphone, perhaps on a long trip or in the comfort of their own bed. Even when using phablets Fabulous Phablets:The 5 Best Big-Screen Smartphones You Can Buy Fabulous Phablets:The 5 Best Big-Screen Smartphones You Can Buy If you're going to buy a big-screen phone now, and by that we mean something that's more Larger than a 5.5-inch screen and smaller than a 7-inch tablet, these are your best bets. Read More

For one thing, your face needs to be so close to the screen that you'll suffer from eye strain. 4 ways to avoid computer-related eye strain without losing productivity. 4 ways to prevent computer-related eye strain without losing productivity. Hours in front of a computer screen? If you do, you're probably familiar with the unspeakable eye strain that comes with it. Headaches, burning eyes, itchy eyes, and just being tired, are... Read More That's not to say the picture needs to be downsized:going from a 50-inch (or larger) TV to a 6-inch (or smaller) phone makes a world of difference!

On your phone, you just won't get the same level of detail that you'd see on a TV, and that hinders the experience the filmmakers intended for viewers.

The main problems of the plot often arise

So far we have seen how smartphones have affected us as movie viewers, but the devices have also caused problems in the movies themselves. You don't have to look far to find examples of this. For example, how cheap horror movies prevent their characters from using their phones with the "no service" excuse.

As a whole, however, smartphones have become a kind of “magic box” in movies. Do you need to hack a complex system that will probably take days in real life? It breaks in two minutes with a smartphone!

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Essentially, smartphones can do anything in movies that filmmakers want them to do, and that's a problem since they're a real-world object with limitations that we all know. This never happened with landlines.

Classic movies would have been ruined

To wrap up, let's look at some classic movies from the past that could have been ruined or changed a lot if the characters had been carrying smartphones.

In I remember , a man with no short-term memory searches for his wife's killer using a Polaroid photo system and body tattoos. With a smartphone, Leonard could have taken photos with a phone instead of the bulky camera, and he wouldn't have had to wear tattoos. You could have chronicled your journey on Twitter instead 5 Ways to Use Twitter as a Private Online Journal 5 Ways to Use Twitter as a Private Online Journal Read More or used Google Keep for permanent note taking 4 Google Keep Tips Tips &Tricks for Better Notes, Lists &To-Dos 4 Google Keep Tips &Tricks for Better Notes, Lists &To-Dos Read More . Ruined!

In Home Alone , a boy stays home while his family travels, a scenario that could have been avoided entirely if Kevin had had a smartphone. He would have called his family right away, and even kept up with them via video chat. Are you sick of Skype? Here are 6 of the best free Skype alternatives? Here are 6 of the best free alternatives. Are you frustrated with Skype and looking for alternatives? One of these great video chat and calling apps available on almost every platform can help you make the switch. Read more . It's safe to say this movie belongs firmly in the 1990s. Ruined!

In The Santa Clause , Scott Calvin accidentally witnesses the death of Santa Claus and unwittingly assumes his role, and some of his friends understandably refuse to believe Scott's story. However, if he and his son Charlie had smartphones, they could have shot a Vine 8 Ways to Discover the Best Instagram and Vine Videos Online 8 Ways to Discover the Best Instagram and Vine Videos Online Neither Vine nor Instagram offers a good way to search and find videos, but there are a few ways to search Instagram and Vine videos from the comfort of your computer. We've already featured... Read More Therefore, clear up any misconceptions right away. Ruined!

Plus, the plot of every single romantic movie in existence would be undone if estranged lovers could text and poke each other on facebook. 2 awesome ways to poke someone on facebook 2 awesome ways to poke someone on facebook. What reason would there be to celebrate when they finally meet again? Ruined!

The spectators are worse:argue!

As we have discovered, smartphones are not without their drawbacks. Unfortunately, as with most technologies, there's no turning back from here, so it's unlikely we'll see most of these trends reverse any time soon.

Fortunately, though, some theaters are cracking down on phone use, and you can still choose to watch your movies on a huge TV as you'd expect. All we can do to address the other points raised here is to hope that Hollywood realizes that smartphones aren't magic. But let's be honest, they will do whatever it takes to advance the plot of their movies however they want.

If this list makes you sad and you're ready to enjoy some movies, check out The 42 Best Geek Movies Of All Time 42 Of The Best Geek Movies Of All Time:How Many Have You Seen? 42 Of The Best Geek Movies Of All Time:How Many Have You Seen? Geeks are people too. I am one, you are probably one, and we are a growing army that can no longer be ignored. Not even for hollywood. FTW Geek Movies! Read More 8 Tech Movies All Geeks Should Watch 8 Tech Movies All Geeks Should Watch. Below is a list of 8 tech-themed movies every geek should see at least once. Read more.

And now it's for you. In your opinion, have smartphones affected movies for better or for worse? What other movie graphics would have been trashed by smartphones? Leave us a comment below and we will expand on this list!