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How to delete shows and movies from your Netflix history

The other day I ended up watching some shows on Netflix that I would be embarrassed if anyone knew I had seen them. For the curious, he dedicated himself to baking cakes and other types of porn food..

I don't want that show to show up on my “Why do you watch...” or “Keep watching...” lists on Netflix the next time my friends are done and we're all together to watch a movie. If only there was a way to delete those shows from my history...

...and it turns out there is!

How to delete shows and movies from your Netflix history

The steps are surprisingly simple:

  • Sign in to the Netflix website.
  • In the top right, navigate to Your account .
  • In the My Profile section, click Viewing Activity .
  • You can now click the X next to any episode or movie to remove it from your watch history.

Unfortunately there is no way to delete the entire list at once..

Want more tips and tricks? First of all, check out our ultimate guide to Netflix. The Ultimate Guide to Netflix:Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Netflix. The Ultimate Guide to Netflix:Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Netflix. Whether you're a new subscriber or an established fan of the best streaming service on the market. Read More Netflix Guaranteed Help you find new content. Read more . And if you're outside the United States, you should check out this web tool that allows you to watch the entire Netflix library from any region. The One App Netflix Fears More Than Any Other The One App Netflix Fears More Than Any Other There's one app Netflix fears more than any other. It's called Smartflix, and it could be the answer to your prayers. This article examines why. Read more.

Has it been useful to you? Let us know! And if you dare, feel free to share with us the shows and movies you deleted from your history.