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How to get Spotify to recommend music you'll enjoy

Spotify Tools for Discovering New Music How to Discover New Music with Spotify:7 Key Tips and Tricks to Know How to Discover New Music with Spotify:7 Key Tips and Tricks to Know The main reason I love Spotify is that it has helped me find it Lots of new music over the years. Here are the built-in features of Spotify that I used to discover amazing music. Read More Discover Weekly and Release Radar playlists combine to help you find new artists, new genres, and new albums, many of which you never would have heard without the help of Spotify.

However, some users have complained that their playlists never offer any suggestions that they are really interested in. Which makes them feel like Spotify doesn't really know them, let alone care.

This must be frustrating. If you enjoy heavy metal, there are so many times you might be told to listen to Justin Bieber's new album before you explode with rage. And even if playlists often feature tracks you enjoy, there's always room for improvement.

In this article we give you five tips for “playing the system”. Follow these tips, and you should quickly see an improvement in your Discover Weekly and Release Radar recommendations.

Disclaimer time!

Before we launch into suggestions, let's clear something up:Spotify doesn't disclose how its algorithms work. Therefore, our personal experiences and anecdotal evidence from other users form the basis of these tips. Which means you can get different results.

It is also important to note that the more advice you follow, the better your recommendations will be. Not all of these recommendations will necessarily integrate well with how you personally use Spotify. Use the ones that work for you..

1. Save tracks from Discover Weekly

Spotify gives a lot of weight to the tracks it saves from Discover Weekly. It seems to give a bit more weight to the songs you add to your music, but adding them to another playlist without saving them can also influence future suggestions.

How to get Spotify to recommend music you ll enjoy

So it's wise to be selective and only save the tracks you really enjoy. Despite its popularity, you should avoid using the IFTTT recipe. Use IFTTT recipes to enhance your Spotify experience. Use IFTTT recipes to enhance your Spotify experience. an even greater degree. Read More Spotify's algorithms will not be able to assimilate the data effectively.

2. Add songs to playlists

Spotify gives even more credence to songs that appear on both Your Music and a personal playlist.

For example, if you've saved a lot of Rolling Stones songs to your music and you also have a "'60s Rock" playlist that draws heavily on the music of veteran rockers, you can expect to see a lot of similar bands appear on your music list. Discover Weekly playlist.

How to get Spotify to recommend music you ll enjoy

But there is a caveat. It appears that Spotify doesn't use locally saved songs in its calculations (or, if it does, they have a minimal weight). As such, if you want to get sixties rock recommendations but always use locally saved songs, you should start listening to the Spotify library version of the track.

3. Follow your favorite artists and bands

This sounds obvious, but as Spotify continues to remove many of its social features How to Restore the Best Features Spotify Has Removed How to Restore the Best Features Spotify Has Removed Spotify may be the best music streaming service available, but it's scaled back some features of recent years. Find out how to bring back the best lost features of Spotify forever. Read More In the past, there was a "live stream" where you could see updates from your favorite bands and, if the artist was active on Spotify, even see what they were listening to.

But the bands you follow have a huge influence on your Discover Weekly playlist. If you've neglected your Following list, take some time to weed out artists you're no longer interested in and add bands you want to hear more about.

How to get Spotify to recommend music you ll enjoy

To see who you're following from the desktop app, click your username in the top right corner and open the Following tab.

Note: You can also follow other Spotify users, but it's not clear if this influences your algorithms. If you want to play safely, unfollow some of your friends who have terrible taste in music.!

4. Listen to the artist's radio broadcasts

Spotify's Radio feature seems to carry less weight than following artists, but it certainly still plays a role.

In case you don't know, a radio station is essentially a non-stop playlist generated by Spotify. It can be artist or genre specific. Activating an artist playlist plays much of your music, but also includes many songs from related singers and bands.

As such, activating a radio playlist for your favorite artists will cause Spotify to play a lot of content that you are likely to enjoy. In turn, they will become data used in Discover Weekly's calculations.

How to get Spotify to recommend music you ll enjoy

To activate a radio playlist for a specific band, navigate to their profile page, click on the three horizontal dots on the head and select Go to Artist Radio .

5. Follow genre-specific playlists

One of Spotify's best features is its vast library of specially curated playlists 6 Amazing Ways to Find and Share Music Playlists 6 Amazing Ways to Find and Share Music Playlists Music streaming services are getting more and more popular , and this means the ability to create and share playlists. With family and friends they have become easier than ever. Here's how to do it. Read more . There are thousands to choose from, ranging from Colombian regional music to language learning courses.

Given the choice, it's tempting to take a scattergun approach and follow hundreds. Unfortunately, if you want to help Spotify get to know you better, that's a bad idea. (If you've taken a scatter gun approach, be honest, how many of the lists have you heard from start to finish?)

How to get Spotify to recommend music you ll enjoy

Instead, be selective. Identify your four or five favorite genres and follow some playlists in those areas. Of course, you can still follow other content, but make sure the music genres 20 Obscure Music Genres You Should Be Listening To On Spotify 20 Obscure Music Genres You Should Be Listening To On Spotify Join us as we browse through some of the weirdest and more diverse from Spotify. Wonderful musical genres. There is a chance that you have not heard of any of them before. Read More

And remember, you don't need to follow a playlist to listen to it. If an occasion arises where you need something different, just play more niche content on a case-by-case basis, as needed.

Has someone hacked your account?

If after following through with the five steps above, you don't see any improvement, there is a possibility that an unauthorized person has continued access to your account. Watch out, the latest Spotify leak might be the weirdest yet. Hundreds of accounts have been splashed on PasteBin. So what is really going on? Read more . And their listening habits could negatively affect your recommendations.

A quick search of the official Spotify forums or the Spotify subreddit reveals that many people were unaware that their accounts had been compromised.

How to get Spotify to recommend music you ll enjoy

An easy way to check is to look at your Spotify listening history (assuming you have the feature turned on). To check your Spotify history, click Queue in the desktop app, then navigate to History tab.

If you see any suspicious activity, please change your password immediately and contact Spotify directly with your concerns.

How are you using spotify?

We've shown you five ways to make Spotify give you better recommendations. Hopefully Spotify music will start recommending you listen to improvements as a direct result. However, there is always the possibility that we have missed something. So now it's for you.

Do you know of any other tricks we may have missed? How do you make sure your Discover Weekly and Release Radar playlists provide helpful recommendations? Have you discovered your new favorite artist through Spotify's algorithms? Please let us know in the comments below!