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How to recalibrate your Netflix recommendations

One of the nice things about Netflix, at least in theory, is that you can figure out exactly what you want to watch How Netflix knows exactly what you want to watch How Netflix knows exactly what you want to watch. The streaming service was no accident. It was based on a recipe of data and emotions that means the company always knows what it wants to see. Read More:Based on your viewing patterns and ratings, it will recommend other shows you like.

In practice, however, it is not always perfect.. Maybe one day you decide to watch an unusual movie that ends up distorting Netflix's perception of your tastes. 7 reasons why you should avoid subscribing to Netflix. You might consider being a deal breaker. So before you sign up for Netflix, take a moment to consider these blemishes. Read More

Fortunately, if this happens to you, there are two things you can do to rewind time.

How to recalibrate your Netflix recommendations

First, clear your viewing history. Sign in to the Netflix website, go to Your Account page, in the My Profile section, click Viewing Activity link. Download and remove unwanted programs from your history.

How to recalibrate your Netflix recommendations

Second, eliminate incorrect ratings. On the View Activity page, look in the upper right corner and click Ranking to see all the ratings you've given. Go down and change them (or remove them) to your liking..

That's it. If your tastes change in the future, you can go back and re-rate certain shows and movies to your liking, keeping Netflix true and sharp for the future.

How do you like the Netflix recommendation engine? Is it accurate or is it totally wrong? Try this out and let us know if it helps by posting in the comments!