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The 15 best sitcoms you can watch on Netflix

A good sitcom is like comfort food:It doesn't have to be fancy, grandiose, or cutting-edge to be enjoyable. If you want social commentary or layered thematic work, you can always tune in to Black Mirror , Bloodline , or Become bad . But sometimes it's nice to just sit back, unwind and wipe the tears from your eyes while you laugh manically.

Sitcoms provide balance to all the dark and gritty drama on television. If you're feeling down, a good dose of laughter could be the best medicine:it won't cure what's bringing you down, but it can certainly help lift your mood. And with Netflix's strong selection of comedies, that laugh is available on demand.

With that in mind, here are 15 of the best comedies available to watch on Netflix right now.

1. Friends (1994)

10 stations | 236 episodes | IMDb: 9.0

Friends It is simply the best comedy of all time. Not only did it revolutionize the idea of ​​what a sitcom could be, and it didn't just bring life back to a genre that was becoming obsolete, everyone saw it. It was the Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead of his time, even if you weren't a fan, you knew what it was and everyone loved talking about it.

The greatest achievement of Friends is that it can still hold its own against all the comedies that have come after. He is consistently fun, warm, welcoming, relaxing and emotional throughout his entire career. The production can feel dated, especially in the earlier seasons, but the jokes and characters are timeless.

Clock Friends on Netflix

2. Arrested Development (2003)

4 seasons | 85 episodes | IMDb: 8.9

Like many of FOX's best shows, Arrested Development It was canceled too soon in its execution. Fortunately, however, Netflix saw the following cult following that had grown around this show and gave it a fourth season in 2013. As of this writing, an additional fifth season has been announced and is currently in development.

Often described as “Smart comedy about stupid people,” Development Arrested It's extremely smart, maybe the smartest comedy ever made. It's extremely layered, so much so that you'll regularly discover missed jokes on repeat visits. I've watched the series at least five times and I still find subtle gags everywhere.

In other words, this is not the kind of show that plays in the background. It deserves your full attention, and that attention is well rewarded.

Clock Arrested Development on Netflix

3. The Office (2005)

9 stations | 188 episodes | IMDb: 8.8

The best way to describe The office ? Highly relatable abominable comedy. The first few seasons do a great job of capturing the essence of an office setting while exaggerating certain parts and characters for comedic effect, and it's fun, as long as you don't cringe too much. (“Scott's Tots,” anyone?)

While the second half of the show doesn't live up to the first half, it never falls into "bad" territory. It's fun throughout, and more importantly, it evolves from start to finish. No two seasons are the same, with new characters coming in and out, and that's what makes the ride so much fun.

Clock The office on Netflix

4. Parks and Recreation (2009)

7 seasons | 125 episodes | IMDb: 8.6

Do yourself a favor and skip Season 1, which tries to emulate The Office too much. and misses the mark. Parks and Recreation it doesn't find its footing until somewhere in season 2, at which point it explodes and instantly becomes a classic.

To describe Parks and Recreation in a word:“uplifting.” I've never seen a comedy so warm, positive, and endearing, and that's why it has such a huge fan base. Parks and Recreation It's not just humorous. It's happy. It's brilliant. Its humor ultimately stems from characters who, deep down, want to help each other and see each other successfully.

Clock Parks and Recreation on Netflix

5. Futurama (1999)

10 stations | 124 episodes | IMDb: 8.5

From the creator of The Simpsons Futurama is coming , a clever animated series full of laughs, interesting stories, and an incredible amount of world building. It follows a cryogenically frozen fool who wakes up 1,000 years in the future and joins a group of flawed misfits aboard a spaceship.

Futurama It has two unique aspects going for it. First, the creators are incredibly dedicated to continuity. (Without giving away spoilers, you can hear something in one season and see it referenced several seasons later.) Second, the creators are super geeky and love laying scientific Easter eggs. They both make Futurama highly rewatchable and highly rewarding.

Clock Futurama on Netflix / strong> [No longer available]

6. Archer (2009)

7 stations (in progress) | 90 episodes | IMDb: 8.8

Out Of All The Adult Animated Shows On Netflix 10 Adult Animated Shows To Watch On Netflix 10 Adult Animated Shows To Watch On Netflix You really must watch these awesome Adult Animated Shows on Netflix. They are funny, anarchic, and often more thought-provoking than serious dramas. Read more , Archer It is possibly the best. The art style is one of a kind, the animation is excellent, the stories are mature, and the characters are like none you've ever seen. But this show is really out there, so avoid it if you're easily offended.

In the first five seasons., Archer It plays like a parody of the action spy movie genre, and it's a masterclass in character-driven satire and humor. The last few seasons stray from this core and become a bit too self-referential and self-indulgent (I stopped watching them in season six), but those first five seasons are must-see TV shows.

Clock Archer on Netflix

7. It's Always Sunny in Philly (2005)

11 stations (in progress) | 143 episodes | IMDb: 8.8

Think about It's always sunny in Philly like Seinfeld it would have been if it had aired on cable television instead of broadcast television. The basic formula is the same:a show about nothing, with narcissistic characters who are as obnoxious as they are funny, but are elevated to a darker, more hilarious level.

The first season works well enough as an introduction, but it doesn't continue until season 2 when Danny Devito joins the cast. From then on, it's season after season of crazy shenanigans. But what I like most about Always sunny it's its consistency:few shows have produced such a consistent level of quality over as many seasons as this show.

> See It's always sunny in Philly on Netflix [No longer available]

8. 30 Rock (2006)

7 seasons | 138 episodes | IMDb: 8.2

30 Rock It wasn't the first broadcast sitcom to embrace meta-comedy, but it was one of the first to find success. This show-within-a-show follows a TV writer and her supporting cast as they deal with the ups and downs of producing a network show and managing her celebrities.

The good thing about 30 Rock is that all of his characters (except maybe the protagonist) start out as larger-than-life, obnoxious stereotypes, but gradually turn into likeable, down-to-earth individuals that you can really root for.

Clock 30 Rock on Netflix

9. The '70s Show (1998)

8 stations | 200 episodes | IMDb: 8.1

I think it's sad that That '70s show It's not as well remembered as other '90s-era comedies like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Boy meets the world . Not only did it launch the careers of recognizable names like Topher Grace, Ashton Kutcher, and Mila Kunis, but the show itself is just hilarious.

Yes, even though it's a parody on the 1970s, it's still funny even if you were born after that decade. And with characters like the hardass-but-lover dad and traditional nontraditional mom, Red and Kitty Foreman, That '70s Show proved that it could be as subversive as the rest of the comedies of the day.

Whatever you do, skip the latest season. It's like a completely different show, and not in a good way.

Clock That '70s Show on Netflix

10. Greetings (1982)

11 stations | 271 episodes | IMDb: 7.8

Cheers it represents the kind of show you can sit down to after a long, hard day at work. When you feel sour, Cheers puts a smile on your face When you feel sad, Cheers Comfort you like a warm blanket. And when you're in the mood for drama, there's always Sam and Diane.

Cheers It has aged surprisingly well, considering it started in the early 1980s. It's just as relatable as it was back then, and that's why it has stood the test of time. Don't be put off by it being an "old" show - after a few episodes, you'll see why so many have a fond place in their hearts for Cheers .

Clock Cheers on Netflix

11. Frasier (1993)

11 stations | 263 episodes | IMDb: 8.0

Comedy spin-offs never work, except in the case of Frasier , which was a direct spin-off from Cheers And in fact he surpassed his father. Its success can be attributed in part to Kelsey Grammer's brilliant work as Frasier, the psychiatrist, as well as the show's refreshing new direction for its time.

When most shows portrayed men as stupid and dumb (think The Simpsons and Married with children ), Frasier It showed classy, ​​intelligent and elevated men. And the whole time it was fun and fun. If you want to see the birth of clever comedy, this is the show for you.

Watch Frasier on Netflix

12. New Girl (2011)

5 seasons | 124 episodes | IMDb: 7.7

New girl it is very underrated. Some of that probably has to do with Zooey Deschanel starring as Jess, but if you can get past that, you'll find the rest of the cast to be comically talented, especially Jake Johnson as Nick and Max Greenfield as Schmidt. This is one of the few Friends -Esque comedies that really work and get better with each season..

Be aware of New Girl it's based on wacky characters and situations that would never happen in real life, but that's part of its charm. He's wacky, he's funny, and once you get to know the characters, he often laughs out loud.

Watch New Girl on Netflix

13. How I Met Your Mother (2005)

9 stations | 208 episodes | IMDb: 8.4

I know there are people out there who will shake their heads in disbelief that How I Met Your Mother has made this list, but I think she deserved her place. The first few seasons are great, and I love some of those earlier episodes, but it's always been hit or miss and its welcome has long been outgrown. Also, that ending...

How I Met Your Mother it is the epitome of “journey before the destination.” Take each episode for what it is:a separate scenario that catalyzes banter between these quirky characters. If you think too much about the plot or the direction, you will only end up disappointed. Instead, turn off your brain and enjoy.

Clock How I Met Your Mother on Netflix

14. Raising Hope (2010)

4 seasons | 88 episodes | IMDb: 8.0

Most people have never heard of this show, let alone seen it. And that's a shame because it's an understated gem, full of heart and depth beneath its scruffy exterior. Raising Hope it's about a "white trash" dead end. The family strife that ensues when the son unexpectedly fathers a boy named Hope.

Raising Hope is another in a long line of quirky-yet-sweet comedies, but this one soars with its unique premise and wonderful performances. If for nothing else, you should keep an eye out for Martha Plimpton (a sassy but lovable mother) and Garret Dillahunt (an oft-typed villain playing the goofy dad this time around). It's pure unrefined fun..

Clock Raising Hope on Netflix [No longer available]

15. Santa Clarita Diet (2017)

1 Season (Ongoing) | 11 episodes | IMDb: 7.7

When I mention Santa Clarita Diet as one of the many Netflix originals to look forward to in 2017 15 New Netflix Originals You'll See in 2017 15 New Netflix Originals You'll See in 2017 Netflix now produces its own original content. And some of the new Netflix originals coming in 2017 definitely look like they'll be worth a watch. Read More A zombie-based family comedy that takes place in suburban Los Angeles? It sounds silly but it's actually smart, subversive and meta..

Give at least two episodes to win. The first episode is a bit rough and tumble, but the rest of the season is spectacularly good. And if the performance of the show feels overdone, keep in mind that's intentional. It frequently plays against tropes and expectations, which can turn off a lot of viewers, but it's one of the reasons I personally love the show.

Clock Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix

What are your favorite sitcoms of all time?

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Are there any sitcoms you watch on Netflix that are missing from our list? Which of the comedies we recommend above do you love? And which ones do you think are overrated? What are the essential elements of a good sitcom? Please let us know in the comments below!