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This Netflix Alternative Will Bored You To Sleep (Literally)

Napflix is ​​a New Netflix Competitor, Netflix vs. Hulu vs. Amazon Prime:Which Should You Choose? Netflix vs. Hulu vs. Amazon Prime:Which one should you choose? It's been years since we've compared the big-hit streaming services Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. And with changes in pricing, content, quality, and interface, we thought it was time to take a fresh look. Read More It is advertised as the “Siesta Video Platform”. It's basically a Netflix clone based on Slow TV. Napflix offers the “The quietest and sleepiest content.” to relax your brain so you can fall asleep. Instead of sharp 30-minute comedies or bingewada 1980s Finish Stranger Things? 8 TV Shows To Watch On Netflix Ended Stranger Things? 8 TV Shows to Watch Next on Netflix What's a Stranger Things fan to do when they've seen every episode and another season isn't coming out anytime soon? Below are 8 TV Shows You Must Watch Next on Netflix. Read More

Napflix is ​​just one more part of the worldwide movement toward streaming services End of Ownership:Netflix, Spotify, and The Streaming Generation End of Ownership:Netflix, Spotify, and The Streaming Generation Streaming media is convenient, but you are giving up something. Important:ownership of digital media. Read more . Previously, when you wanted to watch boring TV, you had to be at home during the day. His choice was limited to dodgy soap operas about doctors and reality shows, featuring judges who have somehow not yet been disbarred. Now, it's available through a slick Netflix-like interface. Which guarantees that anyone who has used any other streaming service will instantly feel at home.

This Netflix Alternative Will Bored You To Sleep (Literally)

I decided to give Napflix a proper look. Considering the goals of Napflix, it must adhere to a different standard than other streaming services. I'm looking to get bored to fall asleep, not stay up binge-watching into the wee hours The Pros and Cons of Binge Watching TV Viewing The Pros and Cons of Binge Watching TV Viewing is a recent phenomenon that almost everyone has made thanks to Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. But for all its various pros, it also has some downsides. Read more . So let's see what's available.

Napflix content

Napflix content is divided into eight categories:Sports, Documentary (I think they mean documentaries), Music, Education, Gaming, Daily, Relaxation, and Religion. There is also a "New Content" tab where all the latest videos are highlighted.

There isn't much content on Napflix yet, maybe a hundred or so videos. I could have counted them all, but I was trying to bore myself to sleep with the actual videos, not the interface. If you can't find anything interesting to watch, feel free to count how many videos there are and let me know in the comments. If you're awake long enough to do it...


The first section I checked was Sports and, I must say, I was very disappointed. While the 1992 Tour de France probably has a niche audience, there were also some cracking sports available. Formula 1, cricket, baseball, chess, NASCAR, ski jumping and much more on offer..

This Netflix Alternative Will Bored You To Sleep (Literally)

Unless you hate all sports, this is not boring content. Instead, it's the kind of thing you see on a lazy Sunday. If you're a sports fan and want Napflix to bore you, you should probably avoid the sports section.


The Documentary section faces similar problems:it's hard to make a truly boring documentary. Of course the Wonderful World of Tupperware It sounds bad on the surface, but when you get down to it, Tupperware is an incredible innovation. The documentary itself is like an early version of Getting It Done .

With documentaries on quantum theory, pandas, koalas, and owls, Napflix's documentary section is almost equal to Netflix's. Which, unless we're grossly mistaken, was not the intention!


The Music section is a bit stronger, but only because I'm not a fan of ballet or opera. If you're a fan of these genres, it's the same deal as above. You have swan lake of the Kirov Ballet company and Aida Performed by the San Francisco Opera Company. Sure, it's not a deep lineup, and they can get boring with repeat viewing, but it's not as good as it could be.

Even the Spanish folk dance video goes from boring to so bad it's good. Or at least something entertaining..


The Learning section is a complete write-off. I was slightly interested in the eight videos on offer. Who doesn't want to learn about Karl Marx, the biology of human behavior, or the future of artificial intelligence?

Video games

Video games is where we start to get the really boring content. I reviewed an hour-long animation. Minecraft pig walking, and it was just as terrible as I expected it to be. Although, spoiler alert, at 45:56 the pig stops and an animated duck walks by. Which adds the slightest frisson of excitement to the proceedings.

There is other similar boring content here that even video game fans will not be able to enjoy. If you are suffering from insomnia, check out the Flight Simulator video.


I have no idea what the daily section is meant to contain. It's a really weird mix that includes everything from someone's first driving lesson, the 2014 World Dog Show in Helsinki, a 55-second clip of roast chickens (probably not long enough for real boredom), and a timer. 10-hour countdown with five beeps at the end (that's what I like!).

Have a look. You may find the perfect sleep aid for you.


Chill is where we start to find the gold standard of Slow TV Netflix and Really Chill:A Quick Guide to Slow TV Netflix and Really Chill:A Quick Guide to Slow TV is a strange phenomenon that you may not understand, with people watching hours of Images of really boring activities. It's weird, but is it worth it? Let's find out... Read More You have all the classics like an hourglass, a log fire, an aquarium, a candle, and the sound of rain hitting a window.

My only complaint was that the hourglass video was clocked in at less than 59 minutes long. This is unacceptable.


For me personally, the Religion section has the best content:an 80-minute long Traditional Latin Mass. Regular Mass is sleep-inducing at best - I had a Catholic upbringing so I can judge, but the Latin version might be stronger than Valium.

If you really want to get sidetracked into boring content, this is where you should go.

The future of Napflix

Napflix is ​​new to the scene and only really getting started. The content library is not very deep and sometimes it is too interesting. However, with some dedication to acquiring more and more quality boring videos, Napflix has plenty of room to grow.

Like Netflix, Napflix is ​​also switching to original content. Underground shows a train ride from Canal St. to Coney Island in New York, which is as boring as it sounds.

The only problem for Napflix is ​​that Netflix is ​​in danger of getting a lot more boring too. The Netflix catalog has been reduced by half. Netflix removes 50% of its catalog to finance original content. Netflix removes 50% of its catalog to finance original content. Have you noticed that the Netflix catalog is shrinking in recent years? We now know that the number of titles available on Netflix has been cut in half since 2012 to fund original content. Read More 13 New Netflix Originals You'll See in 2016 13 New Netflix Originals You'll See in 2016 to be Netflix's most exciting year yet. Read More

What do you think of Napflix? Or slow television in general? Do you think everything is a waste of time? Or could it have a legitimate meditative benefit? Please let us know in the comments below!